The Time Of The Landlubbers Is At An End!!!

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The Time Of The Landlubbers Is At An End!!!

Post by Nicci »

The Time Of The Landlubbers Is At An End!!!

After having pillaged the town of Vesper, Erzebet was wondering what to do with her prisoners. They were spineless cowards, the entire lot of them were I tell ye! One even offered up his own son if we'd spare him. Its the kind of thing you come to expect from those despicable landlubbers!

One of the guards kept jawing poor Erzebet like he had the slightest chance of stopping what was about to come...

*Erzebet looked down at the mystical trinket that she had been sent to find*

She knew it granted immortality to those who wore it. Unfortunately, it was meant for her Captain. In the meantime, though, she wore it to keep it safe...and to keep herself safe.

She told her prisoners to line up, and gave them each a pouch of explosion potions that she had plundered from the Alchemist's Shop further up the coast.

"You," she said and pointed to the first in line.

"Walk up to good ole talkative Rudd there and smash your pouch."

Wimpering like the disgrace that he was, the man walked up shakily.

Erzebet gave him a look, and he did as he was told...and the next...and the next...until all the townfolk were dead and the guard....miraculously....was hanging on by a thread. He apparently had many enchantments to protect him from damage, but it was just barely enough to sustain him through the onslaught.

Erzebet realized that she still had many more explosion potions. Instead of throwing them, she slung the pouch around her neck and nuzzled it against her chest. She checked to make sure the mystical trinket was about her neck still, and strode up to the guard.

She simply embraced him in a fierce hug and sent him to his maker with not even a corpse to mark his prior existence. The fireball rose far into the sky and was seen as far away as Britain. She felt the life leave her, too, at this time...but shortly thereafter, she awoke to find herself perfectly healthy. She smiled to herself, boarded her ship, and set sail back to her home port to show her Captain what she'd found....




Not even the guards can protect you from the rising pirate menace ye filthy landlubbers. Death is coming on the tides. Your distruction is near!
Erzebet Bathory_3-3_22.57.rpv
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