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Evil Adventureres Guild

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:08 pm
by milk
Recruiting for Evil Adventurers Guild. We are most evil guild in UO. We do things like litter all over the place especially at banks, we also set traps to rob people and then they dont give us their stuff like they are supposed to and then kill us, and we like to hunt too mostly around the orc fort.

If you have nothing better to do and maybe you are unemployed you should join us. So far we have two people in our guild, one has never played UO before, but so far she knows how to make bandaids and use the bank, and likes hunting. And the other guy is me and I like to organize the stuff in my house mostly and also hunt ettins and liches and do treasure maps. We play a lot and are pretty active (8 nights a week).

We are not crazy powergamers, we try to just build our characters through playing, although we macro hiding and stuff at night. The guild is light based evil RP (accepting orcs, brigands, pirates, etc). So you cant talk about how many animals you killed in the forest behind your parents house last weekend, but you dont have to be some awesome RP person either. Mostly we are just retards, except evil.

The main purpose of the guild is two-fold:

1. To be active and go on hunts and set up traps, and save up money for events.

2. To hold events. We held auctions, pvp tournaments, convoys, and gambling nights on other shards. We find it gives purpose to fight the same monsters 10 million times if you are trying to save up for fun stuff like events and the odd fruit basket and tall candle for our EVIL headquarters.

So if you are looking for an active guild that gives purpose to your UO time join Evil Guild Incorporated, located at the Yew Orc Fort. We accept all newbies, and vets alike. We prefer weapons and bows, but will need a mage or two. Also we dont really use horses, but there is no strict rule against them, we just like how it looks when we run around with our little legs on the screen. We do pvp, although as of yet have never successfully won a fight. If we ever kill enough people we will probably be red, although we dont really go around to dungeons and randomly pk.

If you have any questions or want to experience dying on an unprecedented level leave a message or send pm now! thanks :0

Re: Evil Adventureres Guild

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:03 pm
by mrbojangles
I like your style.

Re: Evil Adventureres Guild

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:04 pm
by BardOfLegend
That sounds like a bloody good time . :lol: