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Custom Skill Groups No Longer Per Character

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:41 pm
by flokofcgulls
I did some google-ing and searched the forums, but can't find anyone else that's had this particular issue.

Somehow, my custom skill groups are now shared across all characters. Previously, I could create a custom group, and drag skills for that character into it. Then, when I switch to another character, create a custom group for them, and so on. Now they seem to be account-wide, so if I make another group and move skills around, it messes up the custom grouping for other characters with the same skills.

I think it happened sometime in the last few days, but it was definitely not a problem when I first created my account about two weeks ago. I'm wondering if perhaps a file in the client has been corrupted somehow, but I can't verify this.

Anyone ever encountered this problem?


I just figured out what's going on. When I created my third character, and then the custom skill group, it erased the custom skill group on my first character, and copied the new third characters skill settings in its place. I verified by deleting the duplicate group on character one and re-doing it, and logged back to character three and his skill group was unaffected. My second character was unaffected by all this.

So all is well for the moment, thought I'd share that in case anyone else runs into that one.

**end update**

Re: Custom Skill Groups No Longer Per Character

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:23 pm
by Chaos
Not sure if it matters but check and make sure razor is selecting the right "profile" to load up. Only thing I can think of off the top of my head at work.

Re: Custom Skill Groups No Longer Per Character

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:32 pm
by Mikel123
This isn't a Razor issue, I think it's a UO "Desktop" folder issue.

I had a similar problem, with just one character on one account. It somehow solved itself after I repeatedly adjusted the groups once I logged in. Make sure you click the "Log Out" paperdoll button, rather than "X"-ing out of UO.

You may also be able to copy another profile file into the appropriate spot and rename it as appropriate.