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Magic items

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:25 pm
by Blackraven
Very interesting things!
Wizards hat of Evil (15 charges) -what does it do and how much is it worth

a Surpassingly accurate halberd of burning and ruin with 34 charges - why does it have charges and how much can i get for it?

Bead necklaces of mages bane ( 61 charges) - whats it do and whats it worth

less interesting things...
An Accurate spear of ruin
a metal shield of deffence
a wand of feeble mind ( 6 charges)- probably junk

So if you have any information please reply asap thank you.

James Foe.

Re: Magic items

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:31 pm
by Omigad
Of evil = curse i believe

mages bane = mana drain

not worth anything but what the vendor will buy em for. They make great gifts to ur friends tho

Re: Magic items

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:54 pm
by BlackFoot
the wizard hat of evilw ill curse whoever wears it, so not worth much..
the halberd has charges as every tiem you hit somone with it it will also cast a magic arrow, as many charges as are left, for this low level weapon probably wont get much from players, suggest using it or selling to npc
necklace of mages bane will feeblemind whoever wears it, not worth much

the other items would be best used sold to an npc vendor or used by yourself