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To these new Urks

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:48 pm
by mr mahoney
Learn to RP and not just camp kill tamers at the shrine, I have no hard feelings bringing my mage to camp you and dry loot your shitty rp gear.

Re: To these new Urks

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:44 pm
by random guy
mr mahoney wrote:Learn to RP and not just camp kill tamers at the shrine, I have no hard feelings bringing my mage to camp you and dry loot your shitty rp gear.
That shrine is on Bloodrock Lands and all tamers we find there are always, ALWAYS asked for tribute first. 99.9% give us something whether its a few gems, a little coin, or a deathrobe if they are broke or whatever, But they always give so they can tame there because 99.9% of the players know who Bloodrock are and what we are about. Also some players give us quite alot for tribute and as a result Urks will even draw spawn for their tamers to train on. The .1% will either ignore the request, mouth off, or start a fight so these are the ones we attack. I sent you a PM over 9 hours ago to ask what the orcs names were ,and you read the PM I sent to you but chose not to reply, SO going by the nature of your post and the fact you did indeed ignore me asking you for names tells me you more than likely ignored their request too so your tamer got stomped. By all means camp our houses and dry loot our "shitty rp gear" that is nothing new to us so go for it, knock yourself out.

Re: To these new Urks

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:19 pm
by mr mahoney
ignored? you respond 2 days later I am not sitting here advertly waiting for a response. Also your pm was sent 3am my time........ I remember you I have always been friendly to urks I ran the patio vendorshop next to trekkar. The urks name was vulug ( vushug) and aurug oa arog something they kept saying they arent bloodrock and they are pancys even though their guild abrev was URK so . Don't assume shit when its pretty obvious people play all different time zones.

Re: To these new Urks

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:27 pm
by mr mahoney
I'd pm a more descriptive response but it doesn't matter your response shows me how far this guild has fallen. From being a unique enrichment to game play for both sides to a shit bottom I log on only to refresh and harass naked tamers. Too bad staff doesn't take away add ons because no reason this guild should keep any of theres.

Re: To these new Urks

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:50 pm
by random guy
Well Im not going to turn this into a pissing contest. You were online the same time I was last night, and you read my PM shortly after I sent it, and thats what I went on. Staff never gives us add ons and in case you missed it the Urk fort has been completly destroyed for the past year. SO by all means feel free to trash us all you want, Again this is nothing new to us. I am done with this topic.

Re: To these new Urks

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:39 pm
by tonywilson
I'm vulug and my son is ugramm and if we killed you to bad afk tamers all are going to die.