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Guild App's for "Bili the Axe" and "Hawlk"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:04 am
by Dinin
So, as some of you know by now (and if you didn't, now you shall!), I originally started playing this game 11-14 years ago with my father "Bili the Axe". Originally on the Atlantic shard, we migrated to Sonoma pretty early on. There we spent quite a long time building a reputation on the server based on the same morals DG represents. Bili made millions, literally on nothing other than Earth Elementals and Liches. We got to a point where we had everything the game had to offer and more. We played through multiple expansions, tolerating and adapting to the changes as they came...finally getting fed up with the expansion in which Luck was applied. Since then we tried several other MMO's, (including EQ, and WoW). Roughly one year ago I found through a random Google search...UOSA.

We've been here ever since, relearning this game. Up until this point we mainly only hunted with each other or a very small group of other players (can't trust anyone ya know)...but we've been looking to meet a nice Guild with a strong player base...that being said...

Character(s) Name(s): Bili the Axe (lumber-jacking warrior *gasps*), Milo (bard/treasure hunter), Tank Fireforge (GM Smith and general mule)

Preferred Play Style: (EX: PvM or PvP) PvM - little to know PvP experience.

Playing History: Played for years and years back in the day - now plays more often than me (his son) who's posting this application for him lol

Time Zone: EST

Usual Online Hours: From right after server restarts to decently late at night - with various breaks and off time due to work and normal life.

Have you read DG Guild Rules and do you accept these rules: (yes or no) Yes, and yes.

Now a few months ago my Uncle started playing as well, as every time he came over to my fathers house for random family events he'd see him playing this game. He wanted to play UO back in the day with us as well but just never did. So this is his first ever experience with this game, and he's learning it at about the speed you'd expect..more importantly he's definitely enjoying himself!

Character(s) Name(s): Hawlk (Swords warrior), Mylack (Mage), Ren (Archer)

Preferred Play Style: (EX: PvM or PvP) PvM

Playing History: 4-6 months.

Time Zone: EST

Usual Online Hours: More often than not, but also random.

Have you read DG Guild Rules and do you accept these rules: (yes or no) Yes and Yes

Now yes, I realize this is a very long winded application ... I guess I was in the mood to type, but if you've made it this far, thanks for reading and for your consideration! As we've heard in the past...the family that slays together, stays together. Won't you help keep us a family? Or will you watch as we slowly break apart, becoming shells of our former selves...alone, and cold. No pressure. Haha - thanks again! :P

Re: Guild App's for "Bili the Axe" and "Hawlk"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:38 am
by azheman
Who were you on Sonoma?

I played in C*D.

Re: Guild App's for "Bili the Axe" and "Hawlk"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:58 pm
by ariok
lumber jack warrior is cool but just making sure you know that LJ does not add damage to axes, like it did in UOR

And Welcome! Ive been you around :)

Re: Guild App's for "Bili the Axe" and "Hawlk"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:55 pm
by Dinin
@Az - Many of our character were named the same as the ones we have today - I can't remember the name of the main guild we were in for some reason, but I know it usually held anywhere from 20-40 people on at any given time, which was pretty decent anyways...I'll have to ask Bili

@ariok - Yes, unfortunately we became aware of this after a month or so of playing, but he decided to keep it nonetheless. I think it was more of a pride thing haha - he also just uses it to gather lumber for his mule :P

Re: Guild App's for "Bili the Axe" and "Hawlk"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:54 pm
by ariok
Well fighting skills are so easy to gain, he can make several chars :)

Im sure I already know the answer to this, but who are you in IRC?

Re: Guild App's for "Bili the Axe" and "Hawlk"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:11 pm
by Dinin
Mobo :P

Re: Guild App's for "Bili the Axe" and "Hawlk"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:21 pm
by ariok
Ahh okay, yea I haven't been on too much lately. Super busy at work with a few projects that are gearing up, and at home with a disaster area. Roommate decided to re-paint the house, by her self... That was a long couple of days. And then she took up a bunch of tile flooring to put in new tile flooring (Which I had to finish....). THen on top of that she got new furniture... Thank god she had it delivered, or I would have put in my 30 day notice. All in all its been hectic, I hope to get regular again. Ill try and organize something on... Tuesday night, because I don't really have to work on the 4th, maybe a few emails at most.

Re: Guild App's for "Bili the Axe" and "Hawlk"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:02 pm
by Norris
Hi Mobo.
Add any alts of your pops and uncle to the stone. Irc me when ya got em on and ill go accept ;)