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Whispers in the Desert

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:42 pm
by Pro
Reports in of the savage tribe gathering and preparing for some great event. Lord British is offering reward to any brave soul who find out any information on what's going on.

Re: Whispers in the Desert

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:07 am
by Captain Awesome
Derek and Mat walked through the town of Skara Brae looking for someone. As they searched fruitlessly, frustration eventually set in. Becoming increasingly exasperated, Mat finally through his hands up in the air.

"TALAN, GET OUT HERE," he yelled. As soon as the words left his mouth, a young man stepped out of the shadows with a huge grin across his face.

"How did you know?" Derek asked.

Mat looked sideways at his Captain, "I didn't."

Derek ignored the reply and got to the business at hand, "Whatever. Talan, I need you to check something out. Word has it there is something going on in the desert."

Talan gave a questioning look, "So?"

"The desert isn't THAT far from our Valley," Derek replied. "Just go see if it could affect us. Don't be seen and for God's sake, don't try to take anything. I just want to know if trouble could be headed our way."

"The usual fee?" Talan asked.

"How about we stop looking the other way when you are playing around in town?" Derek wasn't in the mood to negotiate.

Talan's look grew serious, "You know I do as much good as you guys when it comes to the actual citizens of this town."

"Fine," Derek replied and tossed the young man a bag of coins.

Talan laughed and started toward the moongate.

"Do you think it's wise sending him into the field like that?" Mat asked. "He's not much more than a child."

Derek watched Talan disappear around a corner. "You know as well as I do that he won't be seen unless he wants to be."

(I probably already missed this, as it was posted yesterday, but I thought it might be a good spot to introduce my guild, since they are not overly far from the desert. I'll be in the area tonight around 10 p.m. eastern time, although you hopefully won't see me. :D )