2/23/12 patrol

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Border Patrol
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2/23/12 patrol

Post by Border Patrol »


Protecting the innocents from thieves is not the most rewarding job in a material sense of things but someone has to do it.

Us BPD officers are volunteers and our reward is honor, warm hearted thanks, and a good natured back patting that we receive from Lord British, Atraxi, and various citizens of Sosaria. It is a reward that is so priceless that no sum of gold or rares of any kind could replace it.

With this in mind I embark yet again to destroy the will of thieves and restore order so citizens can bank freely without worries.
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As I arrive to WBB I notice the smell of criminals in the air. I come across someone I have never seen before. A petty thief named Vod Ka Stinger who reeks of crime against others. I try to make this encounter one he will never forget as I flag him to make him pay for his crimes against the innocents!
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As my pursuit of Justice against this thug is almost over and him being redlined; a magical gate to unknown lands appears and he rushes into it to make a quick getaway. Knowing it most likely is a trap of sorts I dare not enter, but this shall not be the last time I meet this vile criminal.
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It is not long until I spot a suspicious person with what looks like a NPC name. "Perhaps this is a thief in disguise" I think to myself.

Upon further inspection it is a thief and has done crimes against the citizens. As I had approached, the suspect started to run and does not heed my commands. I have no choice but to use deadly force and rid these lands of this criminal for the time being!
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After Jaden is dealt Justice I spot Vod Ka Stinger who has come back to WBB for some reason after escaping me earlier. He is still gray to me and tries to flee to the inn to log out. I make sure that does not happen and teach him a lesson about coming back to the scene of a crime!
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As I am leaving the inn I notice the horrible smell of a criminal somewhere. I start searching the inn and come across this dastardly looking thief who is not perma but seems to be macroing hiding/stealth. I will have to keep my eye out for this individual in the future I am sure of it.
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Finally some order is established at WBB and I have ran off all the thieves. I stay vigilant because at any time a thief could stealth up to try to make a mark of some unsuspecting citizen.
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As time goes by everything seems in order so I decide to check some of the other towns. I arrive to Skara Brae and find no sign of anyone. Not even a macroer.
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next is part 2

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Border Patrol
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Re: 2/23/12 patrol

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Since Skara Brae was like a ghost town I go to Jhelom. I spot alot of young citizens training their skills on fighters here. One such citizen in the pit was gray. As I approached him he seemed worried that I was going to end his life.

I spoke to him and made sure he knew he was gray. He told me of how he was too poor to be able to hire the fighter. I told him to be careful of others as they may not be as understanding of his grayness. As I headed to the bank to make sure no funny business was going on I started to feel bad for the young lad.

At the bank there is even more citizens training. I also spot this non perma gray thief who is holding what most likely is an id wand.
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The thief seems to be afk. I pull out 500 gold, head back to the poor gray citizen training, and give it to him so he can train the proper way. I patrol Jhelom's other areas and everything seems fine.

Since everything is fine in Jhelom, I decide to head to Moonglow. The MPD chief has told me they have had some recent problems.
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The local citizens moan and hiss at me being at Moonglow. Some miner guy is the most vocal with his objections to me being there.

As I go West I come across Detective Snakes from the Moonglow Police Department.
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I have never met this MPD officer before. I am very excited and happy to meet this fellow. I end up being disappointed as he seems to be not very happy or excited to see me! He starts treating me as a common criminal and expresses his opinion that I am tresspassing and out of my jurisdiction. He attempts to arrest me and tells me to get off my trusty steed.

Now for those of you who do not know; there are only two people that I will get off my mount for upon request, and that is Lord British or Atraxi.

I do not get off my horse and let this officer know that not only is Moonglow BPD's jurisdiction, but also that we have an alliance with MPD. That is when he starts insulting Lord British, Atraxi, BPD, and me even more by giving me an ultimatum.
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I had noticed that not only he was in the thief guild but he was also perma gray. Getting tired of his ignorance and demands I decided now was the time to strike and give him first hand experience of what my mace of Justice tastes like....meet my ultimatum!!!!
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After giving him a brief timeout for his rude behavior towards his guild's allies, he returns and starts spouting out curses and other unsavory language at me along with the miner guy. It seems I really upset the whole group of them.
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Then the miner guy starts spouting nonsense about some sort of relic BPD gave them. According to him it means that they "own" the whole town. I tried really hard not to laugh once he started saying that. I have been gone a while but have not heard anything of the sort from Atraxi or Lord British.
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Soon Randall Flagg; Chief of the MPD, shows up and explains it was all a misuderstanding and that "they" were trying to conduct an undercover sting operation . He goes further with it and tells me I ruined it somehow. I have no idea how an undercover sting involves trying to arrest a BPD officer but I let it slide and I don't ask for further details.

I make sure that our alliance is still on and let him know to make sure ALL his officers are aware of it.

I decide to head back to WBB and find the scumbag Vod Ka Stinger. He is perma gray and verbally abusing a new player named Cleo with various profanities. I decide to put an end to this unhonorable act.
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Part 3 is next

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Border Patrol
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Re: 2/23/12 patrol

Post by Border Patrol »

Everything is secure at WBB after putting Vod Ka down like the sick dog he is. I spread out my patrols and find this perma gray criminal named Sassy who runs into a mage shop to escape me for some odd reason.
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A good citizen named Myles the Beast blocks Sassy's only way out as I teach her a thing or two about what happens to people who steal from others.
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Later I get in a fight with a criminal named Tormaboobe, who was assaulting citizens in town. After a prolonged fight Tormaboobe gets away. I used up quite a bit of supplies during that encounter.
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I head back to WBB to meet up with Turbo. For some reason, Pink Panther (who is not a thief), decides to randomly start snooping people's things and is poisoned from an anti-theft kit.

It was a very busy night at WBB indeed. I guess it is a good thing guard whacks have infinite charges (quote I once heard Turbo say). Death was everywhere.
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After a good while, Turbo and me noticed a shady person plainly named Rod just standing around at the bank. We decided it was best to investigate the matter even further.
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We find out that infact, "Rod", is perma gray and we introduce, "Rod", to Justice.
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As I spread out my patrols checking all the buildings I notice a criminal trying to flee the scene of a crime and I decide to put a stop to his thieving ways for a while.
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next is part 4
Last edited by Border Patrol on Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:36 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Border Patrol
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Re: 2/23/12 patrol

Post by Border Patrol »

As I make my way back to WBB I arrive only to be snooped by the non-thief Pink Panther yet again. Evidently, Pink Panther never learns from past mistakes and continues to snoop BPD officers for some odd reason.
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I ask the suicidal Pink Panther a question I feel is important.
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Pink Panther only responds with a "I don't know" response and dies shortly afterwards.
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Green Tea (a merchant who's trade involves poisoning weapons amongst other things) shows up and starts to poison various citizen's weapons for a fee. I feel it is my duty to make sure no one steals anything from the merchant or the customers. I try to keep things somewhat civil.
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So far no one has been robbed that I know of.
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A local rabbi named "Rabbi Glickstein" orders a trapped explo box. I have no idea on Sosaria why a rabbi would want a trapped explo box for. I also have no idea what he would be doing with it. Upon receiving his ordered weapon of mass destruction it appeared to all that not even HE knew what he was going to do with it as he opens it right after receiving it.
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I guess this rabbi has never messed with trapped boxes before....
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After Green Tea left it was quite late and I was already hitting overtime so I decided to call it a day myself.

That concludes my report. Border Patrol out.
Last edited by Border Patrol on Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2/23/12 patrol

Post by Zeppelin »


good duel.

flawless victory

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