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Smithy crafting stats. - A Work In Progress

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:22 am
by Abbot
Because who doesn't love stats?

I am only testing dex suits for the time being. I'll do this with plate later on.
Each test is comprised of 100 attempts.

Plate Gorgets - 50 exceptional made of 100 attempts
Chain Torso - 76 exceptional made of 100 attempts
Chain Legs - 77 exceptional made of 100 attempts

Gorgets and torso met my expectations exactly, I would've put legs a little higher than 77, maybe 80% I would guess on average, just from experience.

As I get more bored into the nights I'll add more success rates... Wish I kept track of the ingot cost of all this. But impossible to tell with the complete failures.

Re: Smithy crafting stats. - A Work In Progress

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:07 am
by mrbojangles
Nice work Abbot. Some good data here, it's odd that even with 100 samples, chain legs were still so off from what i'd expect them to be. I'd love to see you do this with weps, and maybe include ingot data.