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Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:56 am
by Jamie Bond
Hail! MINDY is a man of many skills!


With bravery, valour, and a beard full of grinning tenacity, MINDY ventures forward into the maw of Covetous Dungeon! Visions of desire and envy scuttled their way into the depths of our hero's mind, driven by the very sin the dungeon was named for. Only his 'Tune of Contentment' expertly strum upon his harp allowed him to uphold his valour, and conquer the wretched beasts within the dungeon and within his own very heart!


Knowingly, MINDY was cautious to avoid the temptations of greed and returned from the dungeon carrying treasure to nearly his limit of encumbrance. Ahh, a bountiful boon of gold and gems is MINDY's reward!


MINDY is a kind, trusting and honourable man, but for reasons that are not so easy to explain, he does not trust the bank.


With his bank empty, MINDY hefted his sack of gold and gems. With an always friendly and sincere grin, he sets off once more in search of adventure!


Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:45 am
by Jamie Bond
MINDY: To seek a Wandering Healer!

MINDY set out for his adventure from Vesper, all his gold safely on her person and away from the untrustworthy banks. Passing by some fellow warriors, MINDY stopped by the Vesper grave yard to hail a greeting. After wishing the fellow warrior all the best, MINDY stepped around the corner of a small house and browsed the goods for sale.

Before he could consider the price of the fish-steaks for sale, MINDY heard a cry of pain from the grave yard! Peering around the corner of the house, he witnessed a man murder the two grave yard warriors within seconds. MINDY stood silently in his hiding place, shuddering at the thought of running into him while adventuring.

MINDY thought about his choice of where to hunt. He chose Wrong.


Alas! Before MINDY was struck down, he recognized the llama riding mage with horror. This was the same murderer he witnessed in the Vesper grave yard!


MINDY does not trust the guards! He does not report anything to them, as they seem up to no good. He may make an exception if someone asked to be reported.


MINDY quickly left the dungeon in search of a Wandering Healer.


Onward he searched, but still no healer.



MINDY does not give up! Eventually he must run into a Wandering Healer!



MINDY knows his corpse has long since decayed, but he presses on! Will he ever find a healer? Find out in Part 3 of MINDY: Man of ADVENTURE!