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Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:09 pm
by debaser21

Been playing a few weeks now building the tamer I never got round too but always wanted on live. As I mostly play with Disorder (a new member of yours) I thought it would be good for me to join your guild also. I really like the guild town and would like to be a part of the community and take part in guild events etc.

Character: Mort (Tamer 95.1) (Magery, Eval Int, Meditation, Hiding, Animal Taming, Animal Lore, Veterinary) Been playing this char since I started 4 weeks ago. Most skills are close master level with a few at GM.

Preferred Play Styles: I enjoy both PvM and PvP, although I have not played UO in like 10 years or something, and would need some serious practice and work on hotkeys and macros to get back into PvP.

Playing History: I played on Chesapeake from the day one but moved to Drachenfels when the Euro shards were released. I quit playing when I was coerced into trying Everquest and lost 6 years.. that's another story.

Time Zone: GMT - British

Usual Online Hours: Most evenings and some weekends depending on GF and work.

Have you Read and Do you Accept the rules of the guild: (Yes/No) Yep

Hope this is what you need, if you want anymore info just let me know!
