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The messenger of Death moves swiftly

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:44 am
by Esaule
.... What have I done? In a moment of desperate selfishness I thought I could perhaps seek asylum and return again to the company of the living. Instead I fear I may be the reason by the captain of the Trinsic Guard will have to inform the family of Samuel that their beloved will never see him again, nor have the dignity to lay his corpse to rest with his fathers.

I traveled during the daylight to a guard post which I had discovered was just west of my current domicile. I had covered my steps with all the guise and practice that I had learned to throw men off my trail, but I should have known by now that the beings I am dealing with could trace my living scent anywhere within ten thousand paces of their citadel... No words were spoken, yet I am fully aware that Haggard knew of my visit to the guard post. As I returned from the city after conducting some business, I found the horrified, decapitated heads of Samuel and his fellow soldier Itatze, pierced to the wall with a spear straight through their foreheads like a putrid shish-ka-bob. Still despite my attempted treachery, King Haggard still permits me to live, almost taunting me. Perhaps my usefulness to him extends beyond merely conducting 'business' matters on his behalf. It is as if I am a plague to any living with whom I contact, a herald of death to mark King Haggard's victims...

