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I be look'n fer that Nefarious88

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:01 pm
by SirLanceAlittle
Not long ago, I had me some, well, parsonals ye might say that caught the eye of Nefarious88. It took some fine negotiat'n, on both sides mind ye, but a deal wuz reached.

After all the who's, when's, and wherer's wuz beat'n out, came the day of the trade. But, a terr'able mistake wuz made. Althouigh we were do'n buzines in Britainia, we both hailed frum different ports. And as all Britainians know, all ports run on different time skeduls.

Our transaction wuz quite heafty, so we, well, "barrow'd" ye might say, a Britainian Vendor to be a sort uv third party. The main part uv our transaction wuz perfect as a red sunset. But we still had one part uv our transaction to complete that our vendor refused to help with.

Now I finds meself having a terrible time locating Nefarious88 again. I have sent telegramz to his last know port-o-call, but as of yet have not heard back.

I beseach ye, patrons of this fine establishment called The Crossroads Tavern, if any uv thee have dealings with the communication network they call I R C I'd be much abliged ifn's you'd give Nefarious88 a shout and ask him to check for my note the next time he pullz into his port-o-call.

I thanks thee all fer your time and help. May ye all's travels be prosperous and your conquests be profitable...or pretty.


Re: I be look'n fer that Nefarious88

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:18 pm
by dren
Aye, it'll be done.

Re: I be look'n fer that Nefarious88

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:49 pm
by Kander
I dont know why but that was fun to read. And also i will leave him a msg to see if he can get back with ya.