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Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:34 pm
by lordgriffon

I'm a UO Chesapeak vet from the late 90's. Played there for about 3 years.
I was in the guild Weekend Warriors with these types of char's:



Some of a few other games I have played since then:

City of Heroes

I've been playing here on this server for about 2 weeks working on macro'ing up a couple toons to be useful.



I do not like playing PK, but would rather hunt them instead. I do also like to hunt griefers as they are nothing but a drag on the community.
I am able to provide for myself, don't need to ask for gold or anything.

What got my interest in you guys was by reading through the forums and coming across Pirul's responses. Yes I am aware he is in C ^ V, however he let me know that you guys may be a better fit for my playing time than his guild and that you guys are allied as it is anyways.

Anyways, I hope you guys will consider me as I'll try to get in IRC a bit more in the next week or so.

Re: Application

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:24 am
by Light Shade

Welcome to the server. DG and C^V are allied and get along great. We team up on hunts and team up to hunt down PK's all the time. Hop in the Dungeon Guards IRC Channel (#DG) and start talking with us when you can. Hope you enjoy the server and look forward to running with ya in-game.
