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DG Training Tower Managment!! - Job open!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:50 pm
by TheBreadMan
Well there was a tragic accident and the tower manager fell from the roof and died!!

But good news means that that there is a job open!!! whats the pay you ask... ye.. ye we will get to that..

First your tasks..

1. Manage Friends to the tower... you can add/remove etc! (these can be tempory non-dg members who are training or dg your job is to make sure its secure and we don't get spys on list)
2. Report any bad behavour by people to your boss.. the breadman! eg.. people getting drunk and puking on floor or people attacking others while they trying to train!! ...basically any unsocial behavour.
3. Decide what to happen in the two locked rooms.. do you want them locked? unlocked? key inside? outside... ill let you decide as the training manager!!
4. Basically dealing with anything conserning the tower! or forwarding to me!
5. You can decide what the secures etc are used for and where they go. (can't be used for your personal items alone)
6. You will be given 20k monthly to spend on training supplies for the tower to be used by DG Members or non DG members. These supplies are only to be used for training in the tower.

So there you have it!

Few items that can not be altered.

1. Can't remove DG member from friends list unless there is a justfied reason for it. Also speak with me considering any such removal.
2. Can't change the cloth design at top, side parts may be changed if you have a better ideall.

Finally.. the only bit you're most likely to read!


There will be pay of 1 sliver or 10k per a month. As well as access to one secure container to do with as you like in the tower. (note: with lots of people friended that is not to secure for you valuable items)


Re: DG Training Tower Managment!! - Job open!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:56 am
by TheBreadMan
Fly is now managing this. If you require access contact him or me.