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Dungeon Guide

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:02 pm
by Ezp
--- Covetous ---
"Magic & Undead"

Corpsers, Drakes, Gazers, Ghouls, Giant Serpents, Harpies, Headless Ones,
Liches, Rats, Giant and Sewer Rats, Snakes, Skeletons, Spectres,
Water Elementals, Zombies

Covetous, has almost anything and everything non humanoid. There are several
hotspots that are great for farming gold or even feathers. If you're there
to look for gold be careful where you go depending on your characters level.
If you need feathers this is the the dungeon for you, harpies are the best
source for feathers. Theres two harpy locations one on level one and two.
Level one is lower in numbers, so pick wisely.

Harpy Room, level one and two
Elder Gazer room, level two
Throne Room, level three
Lake Room, level five

PK threat: AVERAGE

--- Deceit ---
"Lair of the Undead"

Apparitions, Zombies, Bone Knights, Bone Magi, Fire, Poison and
Water Elementals, Giant Serpents, Liches, Lich Lords, Skeletal Mages,
Skeletal Knights, Skeletons, Wraiths

Deceit is a very popular dungeon. You can hunt any undead mob in the game at
this dungeon. Its great for all levels low and high, just be careful of the
Water Elemental if you're low and need to get to the skeleton room on level
one. Deceit is mostly for the high end people, its also difficult to get
there due to it being on an island.

Water Ele room, level one
Alternating Lich spawn, level three
Fire Ele Room, level four
Lich Lord room, level four

PK threat: HIGH

--- Despise ---
"Lesser Creatures"

Evil NPC Mages, Giant Scorpions, Giant Serpents, Giant Spiders,
Headless Ones, Mongbats, Giant and Sewer Rats, Slimes, Snakes

If you're a lower level character, than this is the place for you. Despise
can also be a pesky place to hunt, because of the poisonous creatures that
dwell there. Just make sure you have a capability to cure poison. If you're
careful you can avoid the poisonous mobs if you want. Despise isn't very
popular due to its low cash yield so if you don't want to run into pk's hunt

Evil Mage Island, level three

PK threat: LOW

--- Destard ---
"Den of Dragons"

Ancient Wyrms, Dragons, Drakes, Fire Elementals, Giant Serpents,
Giant and Sewer Rats, Slimes, Water Elementals

Good old Destard, a bards playground. Destard is another very popular
dungeon, expecially for bards. This dungeon can yield a great amount of cash
or death. Its a very dangerous place due to the mob levels and PKS. Don't
attempt to hunt here unless you have a very advanced character.

First half of level one
Ancient Wyrm Lair, level three

PK threat: HIGH

--- Hythloth ---
"Hellish Fiends"

Balrons, Daemons, Lesser Daemons, Ettins, Gargoyles, Giant Serpents,
Hell Hounds, Orcs, Orcish Captains, Orcish Lords, Orc Mages,
Giant and Sewer Rats, Slimes

Hythloth is possibly the most difficult dungeon in the game. It can get
very crowded and isn't meant for you lower level people. Hythloth can be a
great place for cash flow due to the low levels of PKS. Tamers are great
for this place and if you're careful mages have some trick spots. This place
can be quite fun or quite frustrating. The people that survives here are
the best PvM'ers in the game or a Tamer/Bard.

Hellhound room, level two
Balron Room, level three

PK threat: LOW

--- Shame ---
"Elemental Playground"

Air, Blood, Earth, Fire, Poison and Water Elementals, Evil NPC Mages,
Giant and Sewer Rats, Giant Scorpions, Giant Serpents, Giant Snakes,
Giant Spiders, Slimes

The home of every and any elemental mob in the game. Shame is an excellent
dungeon for middle to upper tier characters. Level one can be a great place
for a dexer/warrior to gain skill. Earth ele's can take a lot and they don't
hit too hard. The farther down you go into this dungeon the more difficult
it gets. Shame is also the home and the only natural spawning spot for
Blood Elementals. If you're looking to hunt any elementals, Shame is your

All of level one
Air Elemental beach, level two
Evil Mage Tower west and east, level three
Blood Elemental room, level four

PK threat: AVERAGE

--- Wrong ---
"Humanoid Dwelling"

Ettins, Giant Serpents, Giant and Sewer Rats, Lizardmen, Ogres, Ogre Lords,
Ratmen, Slimes, Trolls

Wrong is sort of the forgotten dungeon. Its out in the middle of nowhere
and takes awhile to get to by foot. This place is actually a good place for
middle tier people to get that cash flow. Its not very populated and thats
great for people that are trying to get some gold. It's also a great place
to gain archery from Ogre Lords. Mages too can use some tricks to easily
take down Ogre Lords. Just be careful coz Ogre Lord's will take you down
faster if you don't avoid them.

Troll Room, level one
Ogre Lord room, level two

PK threat: LOW

--- Terathan Keep ---
"the War Zone"

Entire Terathan family, Collector of Souls, Soulless One (Black Daemon),
Drake, Dragon, Ophidians

Terathan Keep is one of three t2a dungeons. It is home to two waring
factions the Terathans and Ophidians. Terathan Keep is a pretty decent
dungeon for higher leveled characters. It's also home to the second place
Balron's Spawn and the spawn rate is doubled in amount. All in all Terathan
Keep can yield decent cash and can be quite a fun place to hunt.

Balron room, level one

PK threat: AVERAGE

--- Fire Dungeon ---
"the Volcano"

Ettins, Orcs, Orc Mages, Orc Lords, Orc Captains, Giant Scorpions, Snakes,
Giant Spiders, Giant Snakes, Giant Rats, Rats, Hell Hounds, Lava Lizards,
Evil Mages

This dungeon is similar but quite different than Hythloth. It doesn't have
as much higher end mobs like Balrons. Fire Dungeon is a fine place to hunt
but it doesn't yield a high end cash flow that most want. Although Efreets
do spawn here and you can get some daemon bone armor and can make a profit
from that. Like Hythloth, Fire Dungeon is an excellent place to get your
taming skill up with a few tricks.

Evil Mage Room, level two

PK threat: LOW

--- Ice Dungeon ---
"the Fridge"

Ice Elementals, Snow Elementals, Ice Spiders, Frost Trolls, Ice Snakes
(both small and giant), Ice Fiend, White Wyrm, Orcs, Orc Captains,
Orcish Mages, Orcish Lords

Ice Dungeon is home to and the only known place a White Wyrm spawns. This
place has a pretty decent high end cashflow but its not the best. It usually
isn't highly populated so its a good place to hunt. You'll run into a few
PKS here and there so be careful.

White Wyrm Den, level one
Ice Fiends, level two

PK threat: AVERAGE

Re: Dungeon Guide

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:07 pm
by Derrick
Nice post Ezp, thanks much, for this, and for the work you've done on the spawns worldwide!

Re: Dungeon Guide

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:32 pm
by niqeo

Re: Dungeon Guide

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:17 am
by tejhim
now pk's know which dungeons they arent hitting up :D

Re: Dungeon Guide

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:22 am
by Xarx
Thanks; out of stat loss again. Marking runes =)

Re: Dungeon Guide

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:51 pm
by Shea
Wrong is definitely not a LOW PK threat. PKs visit this place like clockwork. It is Average at best.

Re: Dungeon Guide

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:07 pm
by mrbojangles
I'd have to say Tera Keep has a high pk threat.

Re: Dungeon Guide

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:18 pm
by Blackraven
All Pk Guilds hit up every dungeon and major spawn besides despise... except the despise mages.