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New Event ideas - I'm delirious

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:21 pm
by BloodyBandage
Here are some event ideas. I don't know if these are even possible. If not just delete this nonsense. If so let me know what you think ;)

Tower Defense Event
I always liked tower defense on Warcraft III. Not sure if it's possible but could make for some good fun. If done well enough I could see it attracting a new audience to the game.


Would be similar to Death Match where each player has an instanced area to guard against the oncoming waves. The area to guard would have to be a decent size to allow multiple strategies. People could use their characters for this event as well similar to how Warcraft III had heroes in Tower D games. If you leak too many critters/npcs or your Character dies the game is up for you. Towers could be basic such as fast and low dmg, splash dmg, poison, slow, heal for your character, etc.

Alternative: Since it would need to be a bigger area everyone could be on the same team fighting against the waves working together (since separately you can't see what's going on). I think it would be more fun this way because you could interact with everyone. Can have as many start points for the npcs as there are players. Balancing the towers and the waves will be hard but that's when it gets exciting and more random if you have 8 people instead of 7 for example. Gold is given to the player that gets the kill by his towers or by his Character. Gold can then be used to purchase more Towers or other items that add to the game.

Predators/Prey Event
The players are split into two teams

Team 1
The hunters

Team 2
The prey


Team 1 are player controlled Daemons

Team 2 are regular player Characters

Team 1 has the stats/skills/look of Daemons but can not heal themselves or cross heal each other.

Team 2 is weaker in theory but can cross heal one another.

Both teams start at opposite ends of the map but have a little shelter to work with (to add to the strategy). Shelter can consist of a building with a doorway to give retreat to participants. The game does not end until all the Daemons are killed or all the Characters are killed. Some camping will most likely occur but that will add strategy since EV's/Blade Spirits can be casted.


Daemons not being able to heal themselves or cross heal should make this an interesting fight. If the Daemons are still noticeably stronger the game can simply ensure there are always at least one more Character than Daemon in a game. So a 5 on 5 will now be a 6 on 4.

Russian Roulette Event

Details: A map is covered in boxes. Most are safe to open. Some are trapped. There is a time limit. If a player dies other players can loot that player (only what he has obtained in the course of the event). If players play it safe and doesn't open boxes and waits for players to die they might miss out on loot. If a player gets too greedy opening up every box he might get blown up and lose everything he got in the event.

Notes: To add to this you could have floor traps, fire pits, and even some npcs that appear once a chest is open. The loot obtained couldn't be too amazing since its fairly easy to get but be enough so it sucks if you die. This would be an event all could play.

Since these events deviate from the regular game so much they could be a weekly or even monthly thing if there is no time in between the current ones (which are good since they mimic the normal game).

Re: New Event ideas - I'm delirious

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:43 pm
by Galm(kB)
sounds like alot of work lol

Re: New Event ideas - I'm delirious

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:51 pm
by BloodyBandage
Galm(kB) wrote:sounds like alot of work lol

Re: New Event ideas - I'm delirious

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 11:20 pm
by Derrick
Those are pretty neat. I especially like the Russian roulette, as it can be implemented as a skill-less game yet is still kind of exciting.

Yeah, they do look like some work too, but I'll be stuck indoors in the cold northeast all winter so it'll be good to have something to do.

Re: New Event ideas - I'm delirious

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:12 pm
by Dashiva
Derrick wrote:Those are pretty neat. I especially like the Russian roulette, as it can be implemented as a skill-less game yet is still kind of exciting.

Yeah, they do look like some work too, but I'll be stuck indoors in the cold northeast all winter so it'll be good to have something to do.
Oh god, don't remind me. It's been under 35 a few mornings last week here in Spokane. I dislike the cold. :x

Re: New Event ideas - I'm delirious

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:03 am
by Butt Pirate
It's still like 90 everyday where i live :)

Re: New Event ideas - I'm delirious

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 1:43 am
by Mens Rea
I like these ideas!

They are cool, so as long as they are kept in the context of isolated events :>

Castle defence sounds phat.

Re: New Event ideas - I'm delirious

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:45 am
by smart86

Re: New Event ideas - I'm delirious

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 2:09 am
by Wonko the Sane
Russian roulette can be done with minimal gm/seer type powers. You can use a large town square somewhere. I'm thinking the ophidian/terathan tile design in Delucia. I'm sure other towns have good areas... Jhelom pits for example. All you need is a way to lock boxes down and a way to make them immune to being popped open by telekinesis. And a way to ensure each person opens just one.

Re: New Event ideas - I'm delirious

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 3:01 am
by Pro
are there still instanced events?