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The Khalkar Brigand

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:48 am
by Galm(kB)
DAY 1: I have arrived to this strange new land. Most of my men were taken from the storm. Four of my men are left.

DAY 2: I have now set up camp by the strange fort town named "Cove". I explore this new strange land and discover a large city named Vesper.

DAY 3: Two of my men went missing during the night...only me and Captain Vander are left...they will probably find there way back today.

Day 4: My men have yet to return me and Vander begin exploring around Cove and stumbled into a trail which leads from our camp along the coast line and discover a huge fort of some sort... we sight green apes whom live inside and discover the location of my men...

Day 5: The day was was filled with visions...of the green ape like creatures which have no morals or direction only to feed on flesh. We have gathered the supplys to make ourselves weapons and some armor to defend ourselves against the creatures who killed my men.

Day 6: We ambush a passing merchant who was traveling to Cove from Vesper to give the Cove guards supplys...and use them to our advantage.

Day 7: We meet mercenaries in the town of Cove whom join my ranks in fighting the creatures....

Day 8: We have encountered one of the creatures today and *all the other pages of the journal are ripped*

The Brigands Struggle

I wasn't dead yet...

Im on the ground... the rain is pouring soaking me ..making me weaker every drop that hits me..."I was knocked out?"... as i regain continuous i grab my weapon and slowly have hope in my survival..

I look around there lies most of my men dead. I notice my Captains still fighting for there lives...I notice one of the creatures rising its axe ready to kill...I charge the creature stab him in the back with my katana..I hear its moan of death as my katana rushes through the creatures insides.

"Christ Galm we thought you were dead!" said Captain Vander. "You thought i would die that easily?" "Heh..true we have been in worse time to talk Galm here they come!" said Vander. the two creatures charge into our ranks withought thinking. I grab my sword block the creatures attack. I precisly sweep a killing blow through the creatures neck. I look and see my men alright...some of my men are left standing... "Galm looks like we got more coming!" said Vander. "Damnit there surounding us!" As the creatures suround Galm and his men the storm gets even worse...Galm and his men ready to die with honor, but the creatures have no remorse they ready there bows...connects the bow onto the string and pulls the string back...Galm and his men form a shield wall around themselves. "GALM LOOOoo"said Vander... I had no time to look....A gaint wave from the ocean swallows the coast line everything turns black....

"GALM..GALM...GALM...." said the brigand. "Arrrg...."*spits out water*. "Whaatt.." "GALM its over...everything LOOK" said the brigand.
"What the hell happened...". "HAHA BLESS THE GODS GALM" said Vander. "Looks like we live again Galm" said Vander "What the hell happened..." As Galm dumps the water out of his boots. "Looks like we were lucky Galm haha!" said Vander "What the hell was that?" Galm looks around notices everything gone the trees...the Gods must be on our side..

The Offer

The night was quiet everything stopped...It was like time stayed still..

" seems the men have more hope than ever." Said Vander. "Aye seems so." "Galm come quickly" said the watchman. A man dressed in fancy clothes approaches Galms camp sight..."Hello there men!" said the mysterious man. "Ey who the hell are yee?" said the watchman. "Im here to speak with a man named Galm Grimsson" said the mysterious man. "I am Galm.".."You are Galm?...said the mysterious man. Well i have a message delivered by Lord British himself"said the mysterious man.

As Galm takes the message from the man.."Hey what is this?" Galm looks up but the man vanishes into the night..The message is from Lord British it reads Dear Galm Grimmsson it seems we share a common enemy, the orcs have terrorized my people for decades. I am not a man of words i will give you a offer we will build you a fortress for your men and give you all the treasure you desire. But you must rid these orcs from my lands. Galm looks up at his men..."What is it Galm..?" said Vander. "A letter from Lord British he wants us to kill the creatures turns out there called "Orcs" and they have been here for decades". "Ahhh..." said Vander. "Vander are you alright?". "No im not alright Galm, Lord British is going to trick us in ridding the orcs!..Can't you see Galm! by the time we help him he will have his men execute us!" Said Vander in anger. "Vander calm your self we will take the offer". "DAMNIT GALM! your a foolish man!" said Vander as he walks off. Galm returns to his tent and decides he will take the offer given...

The Khalkar Brigand is a brotherhood we are misunderstood by many and our ways of living are harsh, we are criminals and hide in the shadows if you enjoy roleplay and are interested apply below.

Re: The Khalkar Brigand

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:40 am
by Mad Max
I am interested, that was a cool story.