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Biate at Lord British's Throne Room

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:06 am
by FireflyWash
Danger and evil in the throne room.

Arriving at Lord British's throne room, I was taken in by the site of Biate and the yellow caped elite guard protecting their king. Lord British seemed to be at ease relaxing in his throne. Weary from a night of wine and feast maybe? Or had he been put under a spell by Biate?

Biate was slaughtering the elite guard left and right, though they were putting up a brave fight. A few citizens showed up and joined in the attack on Biate, alas victory was not within site.

Biate was advancing, dead guards surrounding him. But then with out warning, he fled, vanishing into the night. What sinister purpose did Biate have and why did he flee when he was clearly going to be the victor?

To my shagrin, my pack was now heavier by 1 brimstone, 500 gold and a magic mace.

Re: Biate at Lord British's Throne Room

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:12 am
by ShastaMcNasty

weirdest thing ever...Biate vanished in the middle of the fight, and fireflyWash got a friggin piece of Brimstone.


Re: Biate at Lord British's Throne Room

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:21 pm
by Lord Cavewight of GL
Can you confirm the brimstone?