Problem Throwing Explosion Potions

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Problem Throwing Explosion Potions

Post by uofuntime »

Not sure if this is an era accurate feature but:

REPORTED ISSUE: Cannot throw pots to target if the ground is uneven.

ISSUE DETAILS: When throwing explosion pots at target (can be pc, npc, ground adjacent to target, etc), if the ground is slightly uneven (think T2A areas), the pot will not throw over. The target is not "out of sight" as you can still shoot arrows and cast spells at it. There is no "target cannot be seen" message.

ENVIRONMENT DETAILS: Newest version of UO downloaded from this website. Windows XP. PC.

STEPS TO RECREATE: Throw a pot at something standing on uneven terrain. Somewhere such as T2A jungles have a lot of open fields like that. They need not be hilly trenches, but sort of bumpy fields. The type of land that would cause a nuisance to house placers. There should be no "target cannot be seen" messages, as that would be understandable if a pot couldn't reach there. You should still be able to shoot arrows and cast spells (hence the target still in sight).

EXPECTED RESULTS: The throwing pot animation will run, but you will get damage done to you. Does not seem to matter if it was thrown at 3, 2, or 1 seconds.

DATE REPORTED: April 14, 2010



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