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Anti-PK Private Military Company Recruiting

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:58 pm
by tenduil
Though I believe this will go under the Guilds forum I am hoping for a more public/well tread location in order to gather quality individuals.

The Private Military Company Guild is now recruiting! We are looking for honest, trustworthy individuals willing to put their lives on the line in defense of commoners and adventures who fear the debilitating scourge of murderers. Our guild, PMC, will offer protection services to clients who are gathering resources, dungeon crawling, or otherwise engaging in activities deemed dangerous.
PMC members must keep all contracts confidential and will be vetted with their history in mind. Understand that while at a job you may lose everything you have on you defending the client. Also though all loot gained while on the job will be yours! Additionally each PMC member on a job will recieve a portion of the guild's total income from that job.

More information available when you apply.

To apply please PM Tenduil or send an email to:

This is our public announcement opening for contracts:

For those of you concerned about PK's while farming or in a dungeon I am willing to but together a Private Military Company that will provide perimeter security and defense for your self or a group (now called the: Client). The PMC will provide an adequate level of protection through single or multiple body guards (actual players) that will serve to defend and/or slow down the sudden attacks of PK's in order to allow you/your group to continue farming or recall out. Also understand it is not the job of the PMC to defend you against NPC or Mob attacks unless these are directly correlated to a PK attack. If you or your group dies to a mob/npc the PMC employee's will resurrect you if possible or guard your body until you can return.

This service will of course incur a fee relevant to the activitiy you are engaged in and is graded.

Understand the PMC's employee's will be putting their lives and equipment on the line and go into this with the expectation that they will die and loss all (potentially) and therefore must be compensated approriately.

Standard Fee Schedule*+
"Outdoor" Farming activity in a non-guard zone:
10% of client earnings + 1000gp/hr

Dungeon crawling/farming in a non-hot spot:
10% of client earnings +3000gp/hr

Dungeon crawling/farming in a hot spot:
15% of client earnings +5000gp/hr

*The gp/hr is due BEFORE the start of the job with an initial minimum time set. This means that a contract may be initially set for 2 hours in a non-hot spot dungeon crawl. The Client will pay 6000gp before the job begins. If the job goes shorter our PMC retains the 6000gp. If the job goes longer 3000gp will be required per additional hour at the start of the hour. Having to recall out or end early will not result in a refund as it is expected your personal belongings and current earnings outweigh the difference.

+Collection of the PMC's 10% share is due before the Client leaves the farming/crawl activity or immediately upon return to a 'guard zone' and is up to the discretion of the PMC on-site commander. Failure to pay the 10% share OR to hide/cover up/falsify profits will result in censure, penalities, and fines.

Also understand that if a PK attack is successfully repulsed and loot is available from the dead PK it is the sole property of the PMC; regardless of any involvement of the client.

If you feel your safety, security, and profits are worth protecting we recommend you employ our PMC to ensure the highest level of protection. Contracts are available so please PM or Email us today:
PM: Tenduil

All contracts are held in the stricktest of confidence and will not be shared with other clients or third parties.

Re: Anti-PK Private Military Company Recruiting

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:58 am
by Pro
I'm making an imp army, you may need my skills.

Re: Anti-PK Private Military Company Recruiting

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:14 am
by Wise
two questions, what is your fee for patrolling vendor houses for archer bots?

Re: Anti-PK Private Military Company Recruiting

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:53 am
by tenduil
Pro if you have a character that could be a member and maintain the integrity of the guild please send me a PM.

Wise I sent you a PM.

Re: Anti-PK Private Military Company Recruiting

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:52 am
by Pro
Okey dokey

Re: Anti-PK Private Military Company Recruiting

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:27 am
by tenduil
We are still recruiting for new members and have several contracts on the table. If you are interested in joining send me a PM.

Re: Anti-PK Private Military Company Recruiting

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:38 pm
by MatronDeWinter
Wise wrote:two questions, what is your fee for patrolling vendor houses for archer bots?

Re: Anti-PK Private Military Company Recruiting

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:51 am
by tenduil
MatronDeWinter wrote:
Wise wrote:two questions, what is your fee for patrolling vendor houses for archer bots?
Wise recieved info through PM about any services we could offer pertaining to such.

Death is a likely outcome for individuals intent on assaulting our client yet it is also a possible outcome for our employees. Consequently our prices reflect such danger.

Re: Anti-PK Private Military Company Recruiting

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:56 am
by tenduil
Our PMC has acquired the necessary members to begin accepting clients.

We are looking for lucrative contracts including:

Protection while farming or dungeon crawling
Vendor protection
New Player protection
Personal Bodyguard service
and many other duties

All contracts and clients are held in the strictest of confidence.
The above services do not apply to Red Characters.

Re: Anti-PK Private Military Company Recruiting

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:34 am
by tenduil
I've had alot of positive feed back for this concept and have quite a few people interested in joining. I am in the process of moving houses so that I the guild can have full use of my 2 story (and hopefully other buildings as we expand) and allowing several of the members to finish off their characters.

Anyone still interested in joining please send me a PM or message on ICQ: 4736161

As a re-hash:

We are forming to create a anti-pk blue guild intent on combating the red scourge of Brittania. We will take contracts with players, groups or guilds that want protection but we also will actively be looking for evil to extinguish. I intend to have a tight-knit, friendly group that is more interested in having fun than anything else.

I am unconcerned with any other guild that your other characters are in IF your character here is loyal and you can separate your experience. Were not a large community and people have different hobbies here.. but your character in this guild will stay 'in character.'

Personally I prefer ICQ for general day to day communications. For PvP skype, teamspeak, etc will probably be required. All of these programs are free and take a only a few minutes to set up.

We are not exactly RP ( I have a hard time saying Hail, aye, other old english stuff all the time) but having the guild in the same general colors, acting in a similar manner (not PKing on that character when not with guildies), and in general acting 'professional' would go a long way to both guild cohesiveness and our appearance on the server.