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I've never played UO before (believe it or not)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:40 pm
by MogManX44
I've heard soooooooo many good things on this game, always just ignored them and continued playing my current mmo addiction.

just stumbled upon this server and am really looking forward to getting started.

is there any advice anyone could give to a first time uo player, any resource links, anything at all would help me out here.

also, i haven't done much looking around on these forums yet, but if there's a setup guide, could you also point me in that direction.

Thanks a bunch

Re: I've never played UO before (believe it or not)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:18 pm
by GomerPyle

Re: I've never played UO before (believe it or not)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:30 pm
by MatronDeWinter

read the beginners guide at least.

Re: I've never played UO before (believe it or not)

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:53 am
by uofuntime
My random advice:

- thieves can hide and stealth (they are invisible to you)... so don't stand still for too long!

- call guards if you're in trouble (in town!). This does not work if you attack a grey character though. (who's free from the guard call)... You will learn more about criminal flagging as you play!

- say "bank" to open bank account (at the bank). Say "vendor buy" to buy from a vendor. Say "vendor sell" to sell things to a vendor.

- double click stuff... items (your dagger, tools), things on the ground (cotton shrubs, etc)... the world is very interactive and will likely respond.

- don't be afraid to die as a newb. You'll learn! My above tip will most likely result in you dying while opening a trapped box... but it's okay. Chances are you won't do it again right?

Re: I've never played UO before (believe it or not)

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:43 am
by Bel'ni
Dont carry more than you are willing to loose in your backpack!

The moment you do, you will die! and loose all.

Re: I've never played UO before (believe it or not)

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:35 am
by Donk
To expand on the above post:
Death and loss of items are an everyday part of Ultima Online. The first time it happens it will suck, but you will get used to it. The only items you "own" are the ones in your bank box. With a few notable exceptions, things in your backpack can (potentially) be stolen, things you are equipping or carrying can (potentially) be looted from your corpse if you die. Even your house isn't 100% secure, although there are steps you can take to reduce or eliminate the risk of being houselooted. Almost no items are "soulbound", meaning that any loot, any prize, any weapon you get can be traded or sold to another player.

In general, get used to only carrying the items you need at a given time, and be ready to lose them if things go wrong.

I hope I haven't made UO sound too terrible, because even now it's still my favourite MMO, I'm just trying to give you a crash course in how UO differs from EQ, DAoC, WoW and pretty much every MMO out there in terms of item management.

Re: I've never played UO before (believe it or not)

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:25 pm
by Heskey
To add to what Donk has said,

Unlike other MMOs, UO does not revolve around a class system, XP points, or levels! You raise skills (between 0 and 100 (GM - Grandmaster), upto a total of 700 skill points to make the character you choose; and you can change that whenever you like.

So one day you may want to be a warrior, with:

100 Swords
100 Tactics
100 Anatomy
100 Parry
100 Healing
100 Hiding
100 Magic Resist

And a month later you think "Actually this isn't for me, I wanna go treasure hunt!", and before too long you could instead have:

100 Cartography
100 Lockpicking
100 Magery
100 Eval Int
100 Meditation
100 Musicianship
100 Provocation

There are many 'cookie-cutter' templates out there that can work better than others, but ultimately how you play your character is up to you!

When you see another player, the only thing that makes you different to them is:

1.) Skill Point Allocation
2.) Stats (Str / Int / Dex)
3.) Equipment

There are no 'Warriors', 'Mages'; you can be what you want, and you can change that in the future if you like.

Hope that's not too confusing!

Re: I've never played UO before (believe it or not)

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:05 pm
by Lazarus
Game will likely be boring at first. My tip? Start a mule with 50 lumberjacking, 50 bowcraft and go chop wood and make bows for loot. The Britain town guards cover a vast area with plenty of trees. Do this until you have 800 gp (should take you all of 15-20 mins) and then immediately buy a horse because running back and forth on foot sucks so bad. Continue to do so gaining loot. On your other character start with your main character. I prefer melee because its easy to GM and thus go on adventures faster. I wouldn't start with melee weapon skill, anatomy, or tactics. I would start with 50 healing and 50 magery. Have your mule give you main a couple thousand gp. Go buy a horse (because running on foot sucks soooo bad) and then invest in some skills that you can purchase training from various npcs. Buy yourself a melee skill and tactics. You can macro anatomy to GM easily so I wouldnt bother. Continue to train your skills fighting stuff in the forest and you'll on your way to a wonderful UO life.

Re: I've never played UO before (believe it or not)

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:28 pm
by marmalade
make friends/find a guild to play with and you'll be fine.

also, i know people have said it, but never carry anything you cant afford to replace.

Re: I've never played UO before (believe it or not)

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:20 pm
by Derek_vinyard
Never leave town with stuff in your backpack you are not prepared to lose.

Re: I've never played UO before (believe it or not)

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:25 am
by Heskie
Derek_Vineyard wrote:Never leave town with stuff in your backpack you are not prepared to lose.
To be honest, never put anything in your backpack you're not prepared to lose, even in town.

Bank often!

I started here like a lot of others, made a bard.
Macroed him up steadily, wasn't bothered about maxing him out - I just wanted to play. Went to the ogres/ogre lords in Wrong. Safely made some steady cash there, used the cash to train Magery. Went back as I needed more, eventually could provoke AND blade spirit everything to death... made money faster, trained magery some more and so on.

There are other options as people have mentioned too. When I started up on OSI way back when, I spent my first few days in game round Trinsic chopping logs, creating bows, selling bows for profit, and building up cash. That character eventually became a tamer raking in bucket loads of gold farming high level monsters.

Its a steady process, but the more you earn, then the more you train, and the your earning multiplies.

If you've never played before, I wouldn't recommended macroing skills till you're blue in the face. You'll lose interest, all you'll be doing is watching numbers raise, and those numbers will be meaningless as you won't know the game outside the town walls. Go out and experience it, die a few times, befriend a crafter, barter with a PK, discover something!

Not to sound like a complete trammy but these are the moments I remember from my newbie days. I almost miss the innocence.

Good luck!