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Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:46 pm
by RazitalJiminez
I experience a great deal of server lag and about every 2 or 3 steps I freeze in place for a split second and makes the game almost unplayable ... When double clicking to use an item there is a good second delay, and also, riding a mount freezes me every 5 or 6 steps.

I've unchecked all the possible things that could be hindering this (I think) including Smart PC Reduction. My laptop runs much higher quality graphics games just fine and there have been glimpses of greatness where I've experienced no lag at all. I was wondering if this is perhaps the server and I's connection? Or is it more than likely my shitty college internet?

It would just surprise if it was my campus internet because it ran WoW, Left for Dead 2, and other latency dependent games just fine, and the internet itself is quite fast. Also, I've ran 1 client, and also 3 clients, and that seems to have 0 affect on the situation as well.

Thanks and any help at all would be appreciated & suggestions are welcomed!

Also wanted to add I'm running Vista & Do run Razor as an administrator.

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:01 pm
by Rhaps
These threads might help: ... 8&p=127637


viewtopic.php?f=32&t=4341 ... 8&start=15

These are the less common fixes if you've tried the usuals. Apparently there are a variety of problems when running under Vista.

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:27 pm
by RazitalJiminez
None of these seem to have any effect, but I will keep trying to search the internet forums for anything else that may help, and I will also try and connect to a different network off campus somewhere to really pinpoint whether it would be campus internet or not.

Thanks again

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:49 pm
by Chaos
Have you done the basic pings and tracert to

If so were there any lag on your way to the server (one or more of the hops with high ms reply or time outs)

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:38 pm
by RazitalJiminez
tracert to []

* * * Request times out all 30 lines :( Anyway to fix this even with being on campus internet?

Is there something I can tell the IT department on my campus to alleviate this lag or to allow a certain port?

If not FML :(


EDIT: The more I look into it, any tracert I do, even to like google or facebook times out every single line ... WTF!?!
EDIT #2: Even my college internet's site times out all 30 lines running a tracert ... hmmmm
EDIT #3: I just reinstalled the client, razor, and map and still experience the same issue ... :(

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:20 pm
by Oneiros
I also am experiencing similar latency issues. It seems as if I am lagging every three tiles or so for a split second. It also seems to come and go. I'm like 99.9% sure it isn't my internet being slow, but I guess it could be a problem with hitting a bad hop along the way (no idea where the UO server is actually located). This is kind of frustrating, especially since it comes and goes. It almost seems like my graphics card is struggling to keep up with rendering the environment (I can see black spots pop up towards the edge of the screen, which are quickly filled in). I know my graphics card is not struggling to render this... I just have no clue how to fix this. I have never experienced any problems with other games. If you have any suggestions let me know. I tried some of the stuff you listed, but nothing seems to have changed anything.

edit: just to show how dumb this problem is, I alt tabbed to write this post because this problem was annoying me, and when I alt tabbed back in, it seems to be fine.

ALSO, this may be relevant: I keep seeing something pop up on my taskbar for just a split second, so quickly that I can't even tell what it is. I think it is Razor because it seems to do it a lot when I am macroing, but I just thought I'd mention it.

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:28 pm
by Chaos
I'm really thinking there is just a lot of net lag tonight .. as far as playing other games etc and not having problems .. sadly those games were most likely pay to play right?? and thus on very large scale very high ban. connectionS . which would not be affected by very much local lag as they could redirect to other servers and load balance the connections.

Though we do play and a killer (spec wise) server.. and do have a pretty awsome connection we are still one server on one connection.

If this is still a problem when I wake up I will start pinging from other locations in the usa and see if I can find any one location or jump that is causing problems or this these are all separate accounts with other issues.. ( I do have work early AM so might be awhile before I post depending on how busy we are.. )

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:34 pm
by RazitalJiminez
Just to update:

I installed my newest graphics driver for the Nvidia 9800M GTS & Also went off campus to my friends apartment and things run 100% perfect ...

So I'm going back to campus later to see if it was my internet or my graphics driver .... PRAYING IT WAS MY DRIVER!!!! <3

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:24 pm
by RazitalJiminez
of course .... it wasn't :(

ugh fuck my life campus internet can't be that terrible!! why do I experience such lag when the game itself requires little to no bandwith?

Is there anything I can ask my IT department to do to allow something to better the performance of UO?

It is still odd though that I experience moments of greatness on campus (where the game runs perfectly fine, but 80% of the time its laggy/choppy/3 steps then lag/etc...) ? hmmmm

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:22 pm
by RazitalJiminez
pretty sure even though my campus allows me plenty of bandwidth to play online games, for some reason it still sucks and they hide it by blocking anything for "academic" purposes only ... FML ... trying to find a place nearby with free wifi ... :(

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:03 pm
by RazitalJiminez
So I'm doing the alternative and going to try running through a Proxy (with a series of steps) and I need to know what ports to allow to maybe bypass this campus filter...'

If anyone could provide this information for UOSA:

Local Port:
Remote Address:
Remote Port

I'm pretty sure this will work if someone can provide this information please :)

is it 2000? or 2953?

and can i just use for the address or do I need a specific numerical value?

ANY information would be greatly appreciated!!

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:01 pm
by orionsune
A few suggestions.

If you are going to use a proxy/redirector you should check to see which ports are open first. I tend to use port 13 since it's used for time server/clients and it is often overlooked and not filtered. Obviously port 80 is an option but monitored more closely. You would need to set your proxy/redirector up to accept connections only from your IP address on an open port, let's say 80(local port). From there you want to redirect the trafic to address) port 2593(remote port). I am assuming the proxy/redirector will be on a system external to campus network...

Personally I would use a vpn... OpenVPN is a good choice. Slightly more complicated, but would allow you to completely bypass ALL filters your campus may have configured.

I must make you aware of something... there is a difference between bandwidth and latency. Bandwidth is your network capacity for data transfer. Latency is how quickly a packet of information travels to an external system and returns to your PC. I'm sure the campus has plenty of bandwidth, but may have their latency compromised from the amount of traffic. Since online gaming relies more on latency than bandwidth, i'm sure the campus IT rigged for bandwidth not latency. With this in mind, if it is the latency that is compromised, no proxy, redirector or vpn will help you. To determine this, try pinging some random websites or servers. I get the following results on a cablemodem. is 30-50ms is 20-30ms
uosecond is 10-25ms

Looks like an average of 10-50ms would be considered adequate. If your latency looks good, then it's likely they have some kind of throttling enabled and the algorithm they are using for that is old or just plain sucks.

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:11 pm
by RazitalJiminez
Pretty sure I'm just going to give up on this whole thing. . . .

All tracert's to anywhere come up as 30 lines of time outs * * * & Well I tried hacking a WEP network that I was picking up from across the street that is secured but no luck as I would need to purchase a network adapter and then somehow figure out how to do it on vista because all the guides and tutorials are for Mac, Linux, or Ubuntu ... AND I finally thought this proxy thing would be the quick fix as it easily works for gamers in the Warhammer & WoW industry because it is flooding their forums but I've literally just given up hope ...

I get to play at my friends off campus apartment here and there when I can, but I feel like a burden being over there all the time, and well I get to macro while on campus even though its god awful slow, but there is just no chance in playing during normal hours here on campus ... weirdly enough if I wake up at like 7am and play, I have a few hours of manageable playtime, but at night there seems to be no hope unless I stay up past 3am ...


Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:17 pm
by orionsune
RazitalJiminez wrote:Pretty sure I'm just going to give up on this whole thing. . . .

All tracert's to anywhere come up as 30 lines of time outs * * * & Well I tried hacking a WEP network that I was picking up from across the street that is secured but no luck as I would need to purchase a network adapter and then somehow figure out how to do it on vista because all the guides and tutorials are for Mac, Linux, or Ubuntu ... AND I finally thought this proxy thing would be the quick fix as it easily works for gamers in the Warhammer & WoW industry because it is flooding their forums but I've literally just given up hope ...

I get to play at my friends off campus apartment here and there when I can, but I feel like a burden being over there all the time, and well I get to macro while on campus even though its god awful slow, but there is just no chance in playing during normal hours here on campus ... weirdly enough if I wake up at like 7am and play, I have a few hours of manageable playtime, but at night there seems to be no hope unless I stay up past 3am ...

There is a port of aircrack-ng to windows. There is a guide for cracking WEP in Windows XP, but I dare post it here I will PM it.

Re: Server Latency/My latency/lag issues!?

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:50 pm
by Proudmoore
Hi guys,

I've come to the forums scrounging for answers to this exact issue that I I too have. It almost feels like client lag when it happens, but when it gets bad the game is unplayable. Basically every 2-3 steps, freeze, repeat. Everything takes forever like dbl clicking vendors etc etc. Other times things seem to be ok, but definately not what it would feel like to have 50ms ping and no lag. I've noticed the issue is much worse when on a Horse as opposed to running on foot.

I've not run any ping tests yet, and I will...but I will say that I have the exact same issue when I log into any of the UO:Gamers servers, and I've played other games such as WoW with no client or latency issues. That said, I feel as though this issue is client related, not internet related.

My current internet setup is WEP wireless in my own home (router is 10 feet away in the same room), and I'm running windows XP.

If anybody finds some solutions for this issue, please post them here - it would be GREATLY appreciated. I am only a few days old on the server and really want to get back into UO here.
