The Daemonic Cult Chronicles: Episode 3

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The Daemonic Cult Chronicles: Episode 3

Post by princesspeach »

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I was eating in my favorite tavern and I see someone run
outside past the door yelling "The tournament is about
to start!". I raised my eyebrow as I was chewing my food
and looked over at the barkeep whose name was Daigis. He
laughed and said, "You look like a warrior maybe you
should go over there. Your always talking about how you
need to make some money. I heard if you win you get these
trophies that you can sell for a lot of gold."

To which I replied, "Haha what makes you think I'm a

"Oh I don't know maybe because you always got
blood on you somewhere."

I looked down and noticed a deep cut on my forearm. I looked
away and said, "Yeah I guess so."

He walked over to me and gave me a couple bandeges and
some cleaning oils.

"You'll never know if you don't try."

I shrugged and dropped some coins on the table and left.

I then followed this crazyed lunatic by the name of
Pristiq. He was dressed in very flamboyent colors and
looked as if he were the village idiot. I kept my distance
and followed him behind the stores but enough so I could
see which direction he was heading.

I then came to a large open set of four arenas. I saw
many warriors and mages conversing and laughing. Most
of them were placing bets on who was the better fighter, I
also noticed there were hired healers to ressurect the
defeated. Some guy walked up to me and said.

"Ha this is no place for a woman!"

I stared deep into his soul and he stopped smiling, I
then slowly moved my hand to the handle of my blade. He
turned around and walked away hesitantly. I noticed some
mages noticed what had transpired and were laughing amongst
themselves. I didn't even want to be here anymore but I
remembered what the barkeep said, I did need the gold after

I walked up to the tournament master and put my name down
on the list.

"Hey there young lady wait a minute, Drex check this."

A huge man walked over to me and acted as if he was going
to pat me down. I said

"Touch me and I'll cut off your legs and you wont be so big

He then frowned and said "Why are you so mean to me, what
me do?"

The tournament master laughed and asked if my weapon was
imbued with magik. I said yes and your point?

"The tournament rules state that you are not allowed
to use any magic items whatsoever. We have used weaponry
over there in the corner.

Well to say the least the armory was the saddest excuse for
an alternative I have ever heard. There were even weapons
with peoples names crafted into them, to advertise their
business. I had a very poor selection to choose from but
finally made a choice.

My round had started and I was up against a mage. I was
repeatedly poisoned so therefore is negated most of my
healing capabilities. I also found out I could not even use
potions to aid me in battle. And I kept on missing over
and over again, it felt as if my blade weighed more on
one side which threw me off. Obviously was poorly crafted
but I had to manage the best I could. I started to spill
some blood but was soon blased by a series of offensive
magikal attacks. My last resort was to attempt to cast a
cure spell upon myself which I failed to do so miserably. In
my last dying effort I charged full on and tried to disrupt
the spells but was defeated by one last energy bolt.

I was embarassed from losing the battle so quickly and
decided to just get really drunk. I ended up having a good
time though as I watched an enemy of mine Bigoud get
devestated by a mage that I have come to respect. I
remember my duel with Fwerp well and even though it was
a draw I shall never underestimate his power.
a mage that I have come to respect.
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Bigoud was then defeated and when he was ressurected, I spit
in his face and left the tournament. I decided then and there
I was not going to participate in any tournaments. To
many rules to many restrictions just a false sense of
victory people receive at these tournaments. Just not my
style at all, let them all have it and bicker amongst
themselves, I'll have no part of it. I am not one for
titles and trophies to be displayed on a shelf.

Some time after I saw an Order warrior and commenced
my attack.
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I knew before it started that the probable outcome would
be me chasing this person and that is exactly what happened.
Our duel only lasted a few minutes and everytime I would
get him near death he somehow healed himself back to full
health. Our duel ended up at the west side of the West
Brittain Bank. It was then and there someone by the name
of Hemperor attacked me, a name I had never heard of or

Out of frusteration I asked, "Is there really no duels in
these lands?"

To which he yelled, "NO".

Then someone else by the name of KINGWONG appeared and they
both started to attack me. I decided to try and switch
targets on them to try and confuse their tactics. As they
had to alternate their heals. I knew the inevitable
paralyzing magic would come soon and I only had a few
trapped pouches to negate the spell. I am always short of
something in battle, just once I would like to remember
to equip myself with everything I need.
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Last edited by princesspeach on Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
Against all odds.WAR US
TDC Chronicles:
TDC Theme: Joshua Lee's Revenge

Posts: 959
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:17 pm

Post by princesspeach »

As the battle went on, I saw Markvorn start to run up again.
I had wondered where he went off to but I imagine he
took the oppurtunity to catch his breath, and heal his
wounds. As he started to run around the corner I decided
it was best to leave this 1v3 battle and try a different
angle of attack.

I have an enormous attention to detail, and in battle
noticed everyone was wearing the same rediculous outfit
that Hemperor was. Appearently the word on the streets
was that it was Hemperor day. I couldn't understand why
anyone would celebrate a day after this fool. I went and
stocked up and prepared myself for an all out war.

I did not find out until after but appearently Neirro had
showed up as well to the battle. I was to focused to
notice anything, I was determined to kill this Hemperor
on his own holiday in front of all his friends.

I start to take on the whole army of red coats by initially
attacking Hemperor. The only reason I was so determined to
kill him was because he interfered with my duel. I could
care less about stupid made up holiday, but he caused it
upon himself.

His weakness was easy to pick up on, it was his ego that
gave him away and made him vulnerable.
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There were many healers aiding Hemperor by constantly
healing him at a safe distance. It was complete chaos as
no one really knew what was going on. I rode in strong
and I rode in fast. The first victim was teh tame who was
quickly dispersed of since everyone was to focused on

I knew I had to dispose of these healers before I could
even hope to kill Hemperor. I then preceded to my next
victim who was Bear Gylls. He was quickly dropped to his
knees as well. It was then I also noticed Neirro was there
and had died. I soon became enraged since I knew it was
from magik and he has practically no resistance to magik
spells whatsoever.
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Also Jill happened to be there as well, one of the easiest
targets of all and saw she was healing Hemperor. So had to
dispose of her as well. There were also other healers on
foot but I was not going to kill someone without a mount,
so I let them live.
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Now was my time to strike the heart of this mob. I ran
around in circles to observe everyones next move. Everyone
did not know what to do there was so much confusion and
chaos. Also the people I had killed were being ressed
shortly after I killed them and stocking up again. So I knew
I didn't have much time before they would all organize
one combined focused attack on me, which I could not
hope to survive unless I ran away. And running away was just
not an option and letting Hemperor live. As I was running
in circles quickly surveying my options, Hemperor charged
at me in pure rage. Yelling "For Canada!" at the top of
his lungs. It was then and there I killed him quickly.
Some theif started to attack him as well at the very last
second named Tyler Durden. But did no damage whatsoever.
I watched my blade drain the life out of Hemperor with
every stab.
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And I did not miss. I had so much adrenaline pumping through
my veins it would of been impossible for me to miss in the
slightest degree. My senses were heightened in this
glorious moment.

Now that he was slain I was deciding wither to just leave or
stay and kill the lot of em. They quickly ressed their
beloved hero which I quickly disposed of him again just
to anger everyone more.
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Last edited by princesspeach on Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
Against all odds.WAR US
TDC Chronicles:
TDC Theme: Joshua Lee's Revenge

Posts: 959
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:17 pm

Post by princesspeach »

And to think this all happened because Hemperor interfered
with a measly duel that was not of his affair.

But yet I knew the battle was not over, I could not start
to feel any emotion, because soon they would all attack me
at once, instead of just three or so that were attacking me.
Soon there would be more and I would soon have to run.
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Boone led the attack. And soon everyone followed.
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They all were after me now. Even the ones I killed were
back on their feet and ready for combat. I demanded that
Proserpina aid me in battle but she was no where to be
found. For at times she likes to wander off on her own,
sometimes to far off exotic places that reminds her of
Ragnarok, the war of all wars.
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Last edited by princesspeach on Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Against all odds.WAR US
TDC Chronicles:
TDC Theme: Joshua Lee's Revenge

Posts: 959
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:17 pm

Post by princesspeach »

Finally I initied the emergency call to her. A secret only
me and her share. When I cut myself on my left forearm a
third of the way from my elbow, she knows I am in need
of aid immediately. I seldom ever make the call but I
had no choice, for even though I managed to escape now. I
was being hunted throughout the town when word spread of
Hemperor's death. The army of surcoats were out for me and
me alone. Finally Proserpina came.

"I'm here child."

I fell off my mount exhausted from battle and blacked out.
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I woke up in a castle courtyard. I was covered in blood and
shaking. The wind started to blow and I started to feel at
ease, and for some reason felt a strong sense of safety.
I then tried to recollect what happened and could only
manage to see a few images in my mind. But because of how
intense the battle was, and how intense Proserpina must
of fought, I could not remember much at all.
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I then decided I need to speak with Proserpina.

"Proserpina are you there?"

"Yes my child."

"Proserpina what is the point of all this, why did we come
here? I do not wish to be here any longer there is nothing
for me here. All of this is not my style, all these people
are the same and I despise all of them."

"I know Monika. There is a reason you are here. You know

"How the hell am I suppose to know that?! Your not talking
about what my father said before he died are you? Why are
you bringing this up now?"

"Monika the end is drawing near. I can feel it with every
fiber of my being. I do not know anymore than you know but
I do know what is coming. And it is out of our leaque. This
is where we will find our army to save these lands. Even
though most of these mortals don't deserve to live. You
must remember that they are important to the natural course
of this world. They are what makes the world turn, what
makes the stars fall, and what makes dreams exist. I have
to go."

"Proserpina wait! I... why am I starting to feel different?"

"Monika, you are starting to beileve."
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Last edited by princesspeach on Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Against all odds.WAR US
TDC Chronicles:
TDC Theme: Joshua Lee's Revenge

Posts: 959
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:17 pm

Re: The Daemonic Cult Chronicles: Episode 3

Post by princesspeach »

Episode 4:

(As a bonus you can also see the original thread where all the complaining and crying took place. You will find it in the following link. (
Last edited by princesspeach on Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Against all odds.WAR US
TDC Chronicles:
TDC Theme: Joshua Lee's Revenge

Posts: 959
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:17 pm

Re: The Daemonic Cult Chronicles: Episode 3

Post by princesspeach »

Just for future reference. Please take all trash talk to my official trash talk thread. Located here.
Against all odds.WAR US
TDC Chronicles:
TDC Theme: Joshua Lee's Revenge

Posts: 18
Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:06 am

Re: The Daemonic Cult Chronicles: Episode 3

Post by matrix13 »

omg yaya this was the one!!! oh such a very very good times <3

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