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Re: Interruption.

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:01 am
by Arkon
Derrick wrote:I'm in the midst of working up a pretty big patch that are going to resolve a lot of the issues currently untder discussion in foums. Unfortunately the current development method is very linear and until i resove some issues with other code changes that are being made I'm not going to be able to ship up any new code.

I do plan to put up a posting on the proposed changes prior to the patch.
Awesome, really good to hear this. Thanks!

Re: Interruption.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:14 pm
by Sultani19
Faust wrote:I sure will be Mazer...

Here is something that I wrote to another person from Divinity that whined and complained about this feature the other day...
Faust wrote:
1/20/98 - wrote: There will be a chance of the casting aborting if the mage is struck during his casting process. The chance is based on how much damage you took, and your ability at magery.
The EXACT formula has been stripped from the demo making it a hundred PERCENT accurate.
The problem with most people is that they are simply on a one track mindset corrupted by the typical RunUO code that makes ANY damage interrupt a spell at any given time. I don't know if they were simply too lazy to make the extra modifications in the core or what. However, this is a common misconception that people tend to think is "wrong" when it in fact isn't simply because this person played on a lot of RunUO servers that use the default code for this particular game mechanic.

Also, there tends to be a lot of people for some reason that mistakes an interrupt not occuring based on the fact that they are not used to the damage delay on spells.

5 damage on a grandmaster mage equates roughly to a 50% chance to be disrupted.

The chance of an average ebolt, explosion, or hally hit will always be a constant disrupt.
Meh, thinking something is good because it's accurate is way more of a one track mindset than the people who actually tried both systems.

It's not necessarily that it's wrong, it's that it's bad.

"wah wah wah stfu this shard is about accuracy."

I love how you just sit here and slam better mechanics because you prefer accuracy to anything else.. Even to the point of calling people closed minded when you won't even try anything that's not 100% accurate.

I see people winning fights here by doing load EB, hally hit, let EB go, EB again. Hally.

Wow.. that sure takes way more skill than timing interupts and actually having to time attack last with your weapon timers.

couple that with random iinterupts, random weapon hit interupts, DP taking like 8 cure casts and 5 pots to cure, and yea.. Sure. You're left with an accurate shard.. But that doesn't mean it's not terrible and incapable of being improved.

Re: Interruption.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:00 pm
by Zigo-U-
Sultani you play here? if you wanna come romp with us man your more then welcome.

Re: Interruption.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:43 am
by Sultani19
Absolutely. PM me yer vent info if ya got it.. I can listen, but right now my mic is busted.

Still playing divinity as well too. There seems to be some good action there and it's fun when Roach and CREAM are actually on. That doesn't happen very much though.

Would love to get in touch with the -U- crew and actually have a group here instead of running around blue healing + -.