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Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:54 pm
by Thraximus Zog
Zog Empire 4 life! Enlist today!

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:31 am
by Zankin
Holy Freaking Crap...

The Zog Empire.

I was heavy into UO and was on Sanoma while you guys were active there. I was a Praetorian in the Black Guard led by Cice Havaris. I was in charge of the 3rd Battalion and almost had a promotion to Nath until Cice left the game and B^G was disbanded.

I was also one of the best swordsman on Sonoma back in the day. DP Katanas for days. I had a hand in training almost every warrior in swordsmanship within the guild. My good friend, Conan, trained players in using the mace.

Seeing this thread made me do a double take. I'm glad to see you folks still alive and well!

On a side note -- is this shard any good? I'm seriously considering coming back to UO and this shard is bringing back some serious memories already.

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:19 am
by Panthor the Hated
Zankin wrote:Holy Freaking Crap...

The Zog Empire.

I was heavy into UO and was on Sanoma while you guys were active there. I was a Praetorian in the Black Guard led by Cice Havaris. I was in charge of the 3rd Battalion and almost had a promotion to Nath until Cice left the game and B^G was disbanded.

I was also one of the best swordsman on Sonoma back in the day. DP Katanas for days. I had a hand in training almost every warrior in swordsmanship within the guild. My good friend, Conan, trained players in using the mace.

Seeing this thread made me do a double take. I'm glad to see you folks still alive and well!

On a side note -- is this shard any good? I'm seriously considering coming back to UO and this shard is bringing back some serious memories already.
I was in B^G too... Who are you?

I was Lore.

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:25 pm
by Zankin
Zankin.. of course.. =P

I was active in late 99 up until 2004 or so.

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:08 am
by Thraximus Zog
ah yes...the Guard...

As it stands now, the Zog leadership (aka dictator me) is busy with RL stuff and can no longer extend my will for Zog glory and victory... but the Black Guard Zog War I do remember.

The golden age on Sonoma is long dead and they now allow pure hacks to take place I want to be for fun..thats for damn sure. Lord hunter a former B^G member still mods the stratics forums on sonoma..but make no fantasy..there is nothing left of the Guard on Sonoma or any server I have seen. This server is ok...old skool... I just have no more time to spare on a dead game comrade... Zog is however eternal and shall exist many years on free servers or other games long after I am gone..

I just hope some of the ideals I forced into their skulls, stick! Victory, honor, glory, conquest!

play the server and try it out, I had fun here.

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:31 pm
by JoshuaLee
I think the zog town just went idoc and fell. that's what I heard anyways. Sad to see you guys go I always had interesting encounters with you all.

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:16 pm
by Thraximus Zog
I hate to leave such a fine shard. but due to RL problems (aka a social life) and massive civil wars on various other servers...I believe the Empire is on its last breath. I hate to see one of the oldest UO guilds fade into the night, but I can no longer lead a multi-stringed empire on various games and server.. also lack of manpower due to generations of UO genocide has depleted our forces very heavily. I will miss servers like this that keep the spirit of old school UO alive, when pvp means skill and not push button hacks or macros.

The clowns I left to command ZOG here clearly failed and I find myself on all servers left with D-list pvpers and sub-par Zog soldiers who are very inactive and lack leadership skills... oh well, was fun for a decade or so.


To all loyalist Zogs still fighting the struggle in some form or another, keep fighting til the bitter end comrades! Salute!

-Emperor Zog the 1st-

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:41 am
by Thraximus Zog
I may come back...not sure yet. Holidays are hecktic yo

also Zog heil to all!

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:17 pm
by Spada
Zog heil to you!

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:19 pm
by Gicod
B^G and Cice. Names I havent heard in YEARS. I remember B^G well, you guys had the tower/town on the beach on Fire Isle. Cice was a fellow stratics forum whore like I was. And of course, who could have spent as many years as I did on both the Stratics forum and Sonoma without knowing Thraximus and ZOG. I spent the bulk of my years there in HoG (another Sonoma guild dating back to pre-T2A) with a stint in III (lead by Thrax's arch enemy Del Xavier) in like 03-04. Even had the honor of hacking down a few ZOG soldiers in the streets of Britain with my lumberpally, Remi, during a brief 3-4 day skirmish between ZOG and the III war stone :)

Its great to see a few other fellow Sonoma old dogs here. And feel free to spew out all the Sonoma anecdotes you guys want. Reading that stuff brings back lot of great memories. Of course, for years most anything written by Thraximus has been at least fun to read, whether or not I agree Zog Heil Thrax. Good to see ya.

Ningauble of HOG/Navajo of P:M
Sonoma, 1999-2006

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:48 pm
by Thraximus Zog
Thanks, always nice to meet old soldiers we fought against. If I recall that was the first or last III/ZOG war? Del Xavaior of OTE and III was my arch enemy for awhile..iv had soo many lol. I do recall the conflicts lasting til about when Malas and AOS came out on the server and III built some tram town in the ice lands of malas... I remember this because there was an RP tavern zog used to rough up. During the last war however, it ended with Zog building a "Propaganda Newspaper/Victory Arch" in the town lol. We sold books to III citizens/house owners for like 100k to 500k and sold out daily lol... The books were just rants about how great Zog is..etc. Those were the days!

Well I won't be on Sonoma any time soon. The hacking that is going on there has only reached epic status. The Gms on OSI don't seem to care so why should I? or any Zog. I would love to continue to play and do the whole ZOG thing, but I am not sure I have the free time and the will anymore to put epic stuff like that going on again. ((i know my grammer sucks but im really hungover right now as I type this))

ya I lost my train of thought so, ZOG HEIL! have a great Christmas everyone!


Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:31 pm
by Oderus Urungus
I was in Golgotha till little past AoS
That was prolly the last expansion I remember playing
THeres like what 50 more beatings on the dead horse now?
Was fun tho, when I first joined TFA I remember the first thing they asked me was
"Wanna go kill some Zogs?"
I loved it all back then. Battle for Occlo everyone against Golgotha and our only friends BG :)
Wars down by trinsic swamps and Despise entrance
There was always somethin to do when I logged on :)

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:44 pm
by Thraximus Zog
was my fav time on uo also...sorry to hear about what happen to Soul Stealer IRL. I heard he died of some disease.

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:42 pm
by Spada
Please come back!!

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:09 pm
by yakkabakka
zog is dead just had the guildstone removed from the wilderness