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Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:13 pm
by SighelmofWyrmgard
So far as UOSA is concerned, when I arrived I began to re-create what I had "possessed" on OSI in-era; with 3 accounts here, I was able (in small part) to replicate what I had been doing on several OSI shards, and "in concert", the novelty of which being something that did not strike me immediately.

"Back in the day", on OSI ... when I first started playing UO, I was also working on a cross-disciplinary thesis (mechanics of historical literature in the context of comparative linguistics), in which the poem known only as The Battle of Maldon figured as my primary reference, and premier primary historical source: I spent a lot of time dissecting Old English; it may be that Byrhtnoth's ofermōde had also infected me ...

I had been, and still remain, an avid fan of Tolkien, and I was still an active member of the SCA, and a veteran of PnP role-playing games, as well as being a long-time fan of the SP Ultima series.

So, my character names reflect all of that, even when they are only "cookie-cutter-FRPG-tropes".

There exists one exception to the above: I have a character, here, named Aros; that was the character-name of the RL friend who had introduced me to UO, and I had selected it as a style of homage.


Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:09 pm
by Mens Rea
I was molested as a child

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:41 am
by Patek
Patek Philippe and Blancpain are just brands of watches I like. I'm into watches from the technical/engineering standpoint and just thought they'd be fairly unique on the server.

Such Is Life (my red) is supposedly the last words of Ned Kelly (famous Australian outlaw) before they hung him. Its also plastered all over every second bogan ute (redneck pickup kind of thing) so thought it'd be good for a laugh :P.

Patek's guild title "Vegemite Shrimp BBQ" is cause STRAYA

- Patek

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:33 am
by killaboy
Ursula -- The little mermaid.

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:51 am
by Boomland Jenkins
RoadKill - originally inspired by a failed attempt at some graphic design in the 90s. A game called "One Must Fall" had a way to create your own computer AI/opponents and build ladders (think Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, single player mode) with your creation. You could upload your own graphics. Having little knowledge of DPI, resolution, and RGB vs CMYK... my graphics came out bad. The boss happened to look like roadkill, and the name became gradually worked into my online alias.

"Jarvis" - despite being named Dan, my brother would call me Jarvis back when we'd play hours upon hours of Warcraft 2 online together.

"Boomland Jenkins" - if I told you, I'd have to [kill you.

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:11 am
by Grogor
Just a total made up name.

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:43 am
by geo
im a geologist...completely unoriginal. most of my toons are named after musicians; namely, pearl jam.

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:59 pm
by FakeEcaj
Oh man, I remember One Must Fall. And then One Must Fall 2097. That was some premium shareware back in the day.

You have any screenshots still of how the mangled graphics turned out? I remember doing similar stuff in games of that era and it coming out equally butchered. I think MOST graphic replacements I did in Doom turned out "good enough" at the time but TERRIBLE by reasonable standards. :lol:
Boomland Jenkins wrote:RoadKill - originally inspired by a failed attempt at some graphic design in the 90s. A game called "One Must Fall" had a way to create your own computer AI/opponents and build ladders (think Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, single player mode) with your creation. You could upload your own graphics. Having little knowledge of DPI, resolution, and RGB vs CMYK... my graphics came out bad. The boss happened to look like roadkill, and the name became gradually worked into my online alias.

"Jarvis" - despite being named Dan, my brother would call me Jarvis back when we'd play hours upon hours of Warcraft 2 online together.

"Boomland Jenkins" - if I told you, I'd have to [kill you.

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:26 am
by Mulahey
Mulahey comes from way back when I first played Baldur's Gate. I couldn't stop thinking about how I defeated him and kinda sympathized with his dark motives. I use this alias in other online places like Hockeyarena, where I'm one of the GMs. Some of my other toons here are Nick Slaughter - that is from a Canadian action series Tropical Heat (I'm sure many of you remember this). Lucky Luke is obvious where it is from. I wanted character names that are not taken and are somewhat unique, I hate when there is a guy with a short common name and when I do search by name here on UOSA, it gives me hundreds of them and I cannot find the one I'm looking for.

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:58 am
by Fox
Madrid - this was my first toon's name, and I have used it throughout all of my UO days. My friend who introduced me to the game in 97 (when I was 12), said that the best way to pick your character's name is to randomly point at a place on a global map. (He said that as he was staring at a map on the wall of my basement). It sounded like a good idea, and so I closed my eyes and landed on Madrid, Spain. I also played under characters Homicide, Crafty, and Big Bird, all of these were on Catskills (keep in mind those are not rare names and were probably duplicates - I don't remember anyone from Catskills except a 'Sean Barry'). I was such a newb during these days, being so young and playing only at my friends house until 1999 when I convinced my mom to let me play. And at that time it was on dialup, as probably 50%+ players were. (And we had no idea that the server names were the locations of the server, and being in Ohio at the time, Great Lakes would have been the better place to play).

I quit for a short time around 2001?... and had a different friend in the neighborhood sell my original account on EBay. But then I bought another account not long after, off of that same friend, (he had a few aged accounts with little on them), mostly on Lake Superior, (closer to me than Catskills). That account had a master mage built on it, named Red Fox, and I liked the name and continued to use that mage as there was a lot developed into it skill wise, (for me). As my reputation grew on Red Fox, I was referred to as Fox and therefore over the years created played on many "Fox" named characters, while also bringing back other names like Madrid, Homicide, and added Mordecai (but I am not those last 2 names here on UOSA).

I most notably played in the guild UOF (ultima online's finest) on Lake Superior, but not until 2004. We primarily did, watched & raided, spawns.

Also around 2004 to maybe 2008 ish, I began cross shard play. I played with a guild PVP (originally from Atlantic). We played on Legends, Drachenfels, Atlantic, Chesapeake, and Sonoma, in that order, as the activity provided a challenge; we were a spawn and raid based PVP guild. And I played under the Madrid and 'Fox'-like names. I thoroughly enjoyed transferring over a finished and stacked character, and building up many others on each shard.

Naturally, Madrid and Fox carried through to UOSA when I began here Nov 2010.

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:00 pm
by chumbucket
I wanted a name that was slightly gross without being vulgar. Something that would make people instinctively like me a little less. My other option was codpiece. I came across a person on a non-UO forum using the name chumbucket, and decided that was better. I also made sure not to capitalize the first letter, just to look a little more stupid or annoying.

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 2:23 pm
by Abyz
I choose to use my real name for my characters.

Abyz came from the ingenious combination of the first two AND the last two letters of the alphabet. I'm obviously not very creative or imaginative... :(

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:34 am
by Elk Eater
I was making a stupid bank thief late one night and randomly came up with this stupid name. When I started playing a thief more frequently it's the name everyone knew me by, so here I am: Elk Eater

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:45 am
by MatronDeWinter
Elk Eater wrote:I was making a stupid bank thief late one night and randomly came up with this stupid name. When I started playing a thief more frequently it's the name everyone knew me by, so here I am: Elk Eater
Aren't you also Hiram, the moonglow healer killer?

Re: What inspired your character's name(s) and/or forum name

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:02 pm
by Taboo
Well, I officially knew I was generally "taboo" when people around me kept commenting on my behavior. However, I just considered it a game to push other people's preconceived notions. For example, ever wonder why people feel awkward in an elevator with strangers? They don't make eye contact and are tense. Its an old fight or flight evolutionary mechanism. It makes no sense since they aren't in any actual danger, and pretty fun to mess with. RAR

Once I had an interview at a coffee shop near my house, so I invited a friend to go with me assuming we would get something to eat there. During the interview, I quickly realized this person was having a moment of perceived power over me. I assessed my chances of actually being hired as being minimal, and interrupted him in mid-sentence with a polite and sweet demeanor. "Thank you, but I'd like to retract my interest. Instead, I was wondering if I could just order a triple shot latte and a scone, plus whatever my friend wants. Thanks, we'd really appreciate it". We took our time picking through their desserts, then calmly left. I feel as if the sense of gravity left him, somehow.

This sentiment inevitably carries over onto every game I play. I've used "Taboo" on many games now. Seems good. :roll: