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Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:02 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
I did this within the last two months. If you spent over 2400 in regs, I would suggest maybe doing it my way...if you want.
You are not going to have healing on all your temps. Use the ones that do have it on the others that do not in training both melee and magery. Kill more birds and throw less stones that way.

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:22 pm
by Nayee
Gains are almost non existent after 65 healing damage. To each his own I guess. Regardless, my macro works well and is relatively cheap. Meditation gains stop at 62 with the magic hat route, so this is another bird killed. up to 86 now after 2.5 hours

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:44 am
by archaicsubrosa77
Well if you used a tamed snake or scorpion to cure could have used that gold to get the jump in training magery. This was mentioned earlier. Perhaps not something you want to do afk though, but gains are quick enough. You just need to get to 80 that's all.

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:10 am
by Mikel123
Gaining to 80 off of healing damage is a piece of cake.

Just remember the rule for all skills... if you have a 100% chance of succeeding at it, you have a 0% chance of gaining.

So, if you're at 75 healing, you can't just heal 3 damage and expect gains. You'll have a 100% success rate and a 0% chance of a gain.

When I macro a weapon skill or wrestling, I set my character to snoop my healer when his health is 70 or below.

Then I set my healer to look for a sysmessage of "peek", and when he sees that, to start a bandage.

Since I don't have a 100% chance of healing 30+ damage, I still get a chance for skillgain.

I'm at 79 right now using this method, and yeah - all you need to do is get to 80 or 80.1, and you can then just heal a ghost over and over until GM.

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:08 am
by Onyx
I used a similar method. I placed a couple of thousand nightshade and bandages in a locked down container in my house. Setup a restock macro to pick up one nightshade at a time. The bandages can be used from inside the container but you have to be standing close to it. (duh) My macro looked like this and it worked great for me.

Double Click (bandages)
Wait for Target (edit timeout to 3 sec)
Exec: Target Self
Pause 20 sec
If (Hits>=95)
Exec: Restock Agent
Absolute Target (container w/ nightshade)
CastSpell Poison
Wait for Target (edit timeout to 3 sec)
Exec: Target Self
End If

Check Loop and walk away :)

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:16 pm
by nightshark
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:I used him to heal while he himself trained macing and then while training a character that did not have healing.
Piece of cake. I finished it up on a ghost. You're bound to have more then one character anyway.
I macroed 4 weapon skills (over 2 characters) on an NPC mage, with the same character healing the NPC mage every 6 seconds. I barely reached 70 real skill. In fact, the character is now at about 77 or 78 real skill, with over 200k farmed from liches. GL to anyone reaching 80.1 real skill GMing 2 weapon skills.
Mikel123 wrote:Since I don't have a 100% chance of healing 30+ damage, I still get a chance for skillgain.

I'm at 79 right now using this method, and yeah - all you need to do is get to 80 or 80.1, and you can then just heal a ghost over and over until GM.
I don't think healing worked like this until after UO:R. I have ~77 healing and fail to heal from 90hp VERY often. It seems to have no bearing if I am on 2hp or 99, I fail or succeed with the same frequency. The NPC mage I was healing for gains would be about half HP most the time when the bandage kicked in. If I failed the first bandage (hence the NPC would be on ~10% by the time the second bandage kicked in), the second one was no more likely to fail.

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:33 pm
by nightshark
I decided to raise my healing to 80+ last night so I can finish it off with res.

I used ~800 nightshade and ~850 bandages to go from 77.5-81.8

You need a secondary character with either high magery/low resist (any magery character will do, but it's best if you don't waste nightshade resisting poison). You can make a new character for this (50 mage/meditation).

Curing macro is simple, loop:
Apply bandaid
Wait 8s

Poisoning macro, loop:
if (hp>=50)
cast Poison
Wait 2s
if (poisoned)
absolute target //this must be targetted to something you can not see, it is in place to simply cancel your target. if you target an item that you can see, it will waste reagants

[you can enter other skills into your macro here]

Basically, every time you drop below 50hp, it waits for you to go above 50hp again before poisoning again.

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:43 pm
by Bag
the char I did my healing macro on has magery in the template, so I basically had it set up like this (I'm doing this from memory at work so cut me slack)

if (poisoned)
use bandaids
wait for target (timeout 3)
target self
use med
pause 18s
if hp > 60
restock agent (1 nightshade, 10 bandaids)
cast poison
wait for target (timeout 3)
target self
use bandaids
wait for target (timeout 3)
target self
use med
pause 18s

I went from 70.something to 80.something displayed in one night w/1k shade and 1k bandaids in the restock box.

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:19 pm
by Malaikat
Here's something I've been doing. Works if you can trap a snake/serpent/slime outside or in your house. Could include a restock agent, but I'm being brave and doing without...



If poisoned
Walk (away)
walk (away)
bandage self
wait 19sec
end if
for (1 to 100)
if sysmessage "failed"
bandage self
wait 19sec
end for
end if
if hits <=45
walk (away)
walk (away)
bandage self
wait 19sec
walk (toward)
walk (toward)

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:46 pm
by Saproth
This has been a great guide. I just wanted to give my two cents on the actual macro. This may be close to what others have posted, but I found this simple to use and to work great. I am doing this out of my house and am using a restock on shade from a secure box. For the aids, I have them in a locked down box, so should something go terribly wrong (which I have never had), there would be a minimal loss, if any.

If Poisoned
Double Click (aids)
Wait for Target
Target Self
Pause 18.0 Sec
If Hits <=65
Double Click (aids)
Wait for Target
Target Self
Pause 16.0 Sec
Exec. Restock Agent 1
Absolute Target
Exec. Poison
Wait for Target
Target Self
End If

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:23 pm
by Pirul
Get a snake + equip a bow = WIN!

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:51 am
by Xantim
Malaikat wrote:Here's something I've been doing. Works if you can trap a snake/serpent/slime outside or in your house. Could include a restock agent, but I'm being brave and doing without...



If poisoned
Walk (away)
walk (away)
bandage self
wait 19sec
end if
for (1 to 100)
if sysmessage "failed"
bandage self
wait 19sec
end for
end if
if hits <=45
walk (away)
walk (away)
bandage self
wait 19sec
walk (toward)
walk (toward)
Used this macro and it worked great, can recommendit to anyone. Saves alot of reggs!

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:38 pm
by Teh LawL Firm
lol you guys made this very complicated with the macros.

1. Take an alt to Mag & Equip a Bow
2. Pull a snake out of Guard Zone and have it keep poisoning you, The bow keeps you from meleeing the snake to death.
3. Use your other character your training Healing to cure your alt. (just set a macro, Heal last target - Wait 6 seconds) and loop it.

That's it, no need for regs to posion and if your dexxer has 100 dex and at least 60+ healing you will cure/heal without the alt dieing. (assuming the alt has 100 str)

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:33 pm
by Border Patrol
I thought dex had no bearing on healing until later on in UO (out of our era)

Re: Healing - Curing AFK Macro

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:38 pm
by WiseOne
Pirul wrote:Get a snake + equip a bow = WIN!