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Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:41 pm
by Thraximus Zog

Also as this guild is now accepting locals of this server to fight for our enslaved ideology of hate and murder, I must protest to the public that this guild is not for everyone. People who cannot take a joke or cry when they die should just stay clear of us. In the Zog Empire, we attack anyone and everyone who is non-Zog so let go of any morality on this video game when you wish to sign up with us.


-Emperor Thrax the 1st, butcher of Rhivan's Legacy, Enslaver of the =G='s, etc..-

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:54 pm
by MRGrimm
Yeppp perhaps my timeline is off. I indeed did sell my account to that guy back then.
Just forgetting the time lines I guess.

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:11 pm
by Thraximus Zog
The Zog Empire is now recruiting players with no-ties to other guilds.

The Zog's are not for please look over our website before considering to join the empire.

-Thraximus Zog, Imperial Emperor of time and space-

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:00 pm
by Grake
Still recruiting all types for the empire. Our war stone is growing strong, and we have multiple people on nightly to field with. Our blue stone is working on a vendor house, and we have multiple tamers on the non-war stone for PvM. If you are looking for fun on Secondage, try the Zog Empire.

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 11:49 am
by wisedevil
Im interested in joining Zog! AIM me (wisedevil05) or I will aim u when u get on so we can discuss my possible recruiting. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 4:25 am
by Thraximus Zog
The Zog Empire is now accepting non-guilded Zog loyalists to take up partisan duties and attack everyone and everything that is not Zoggish!

These unknown heros of the Zog will be given land and power once the wars are over and re-construction begins. As with various player towns and guilds Zog is slowly re-constituting the order of how this server is run and the flow of its economy. Zog is a pro-militaristic and pro-imperialist guild, those who help the empire shall be rewarded by the empire.

Just a side note for non-believers and heritics, The Zog Empire is a semi-RP and semi-PVP guild that has never lost a guild war in 13 years of UO history. We are a group of fanatics and brutes, we get whatever we take. Come join us, take up arms and help the empire speed progress along!


-Emperor Thraximus Zog

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:44 pm
by Thraximus Zog
The Zog Empire is currently recruiting fresh meat for the grinder.

All soldiers will be trained fully to pvp status. After your char is trained and fighting in some of our wars, you will then receive full rights as a member. One must prove themselves in combat and shed blood for the empire!

Old Zogs from various free servers will be coming here later this week, there will be no favortism between new recruits and old war vets of past Zog wars.

In Zog we all fight for the same goals. To burn the world(s) we visit in our glorious image!


Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:17 am
by Lajon
Is anyone from Warlords (WL) with you guys here? I played Sonoma 98-2000 with BD and don't recognize any names. My swords mage was Orion.

Is that you, Leo?

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:24 am
by Thraximus Zog
Ah yes, I was in WL, BLD, etc. Kain Hellbane was a personal friend and Alexander messed up that hussy Dor. :-) Good times.

Sadly over the years I have had many Orions in ZOG, all great! I would be honored to have a WL join us

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:12 pm
by Alexander02
I'm Alexander / Johanis Wyndsage from WL on sonoma.. hello there! :)

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:54 pm
by Thraximus Zog
Its a WL reunion!!!! first SAS now the mighty WL!!! If only Jazzman was here!

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:17 pm
by TheDon

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:02 pm
by Thraximus Zog
yes Zog Heil!

All new members wanting to join must read:

I check the ZOG forum 100x more than I check this forum, so if you are intrested in joining up with the empire simply register on our forums at
and don't forget to grab AIM, its free.

Glory to the Empire!!!! (sorry seems ZOG High Command including myself have been busy irl, few more days... even as I type this I gotta be at a wedding in two hours..)

so uh, ZOG HEIL!!!!

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:50 pm
by Guerre de Mondel
Anyone ever here of the UO2?

Re: The Zog Empire

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:03 pm
by Thraximus Zog
UO2 was going to be the next gen game at the time, but then the project was scrapped because the creator "aka Lord British" sold his company to EA and because a ship-wreck driver or something... anyway UO2 was never created and the fans were once against disgusted at the way this game was going. Later a little before WOW came out, EA was going to make something called Ultima X: Odyssey that was a UO type WOW game but with zero pvp and all you could do was quest with other people, but it did let you be other races than humans...anyway they canceled it for whatever reasons and we are left with the pure SHIT that is OSI today... seriously the people who pvp on OSI these days are some of the most bi-polar people I have ever seen on this game lol. Guess you would have to be to stay on that game after all those changes they made.

Anyway UO was the first major MMORPG, but they couldn't really improve on it and failed every time they tried.