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Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:30 pm
by Pac
Alas, 'twasn't me.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:31 pm
by Aeris
I agree GK, that we don't need to trash these people here on the forums, where prospective players might come to get a bearing on the community.

However, I hate to say it, but seriously: these type of people are better off leaving sooner rather than later. They have no hope of lasting here, they will do nothing for the game but add 1 unique IP to the !status in IRC. They might even scare off new players themselves by staying here and pouting about what a shitty community it is, rather than letting the new players judge the community for themselves.

I watched all the IRC go down, and I wouldn't offer the guy 100gp to help his recovery, because I could see exactly what would happen: he would have quit next week for something else anyways, and then my 100gp would have been used for nothing. He's a sore loser, and as much as I hate to say it, it doesn't bother me that he goes. If he had handled it well, like Nobs did with BK for instance, I would have offered him some supplies or even gold to help him rebuild.

You could tell by the way he talked, this guy had no hope.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:12 pm
by inkognito
GK is right about the presentation of the community, especially in general discussion. I suppose my frustration with this specific player got the best of me.
I had previously offered them a great private deal on a home after speaking to him about the housing situation on our shard. If he had come to me FIRST and let me know he could no longer afford it because of recent events, I would've loaned him the home and who knows, probably give it to him outright.
Instead it's one thing after another about what is wrong with the shard and the people that populate it.

I think there should be a "New players discussion" category right above general discussion. I think players looking for a better sense of the community would benefit greatly from a separate thread category aimed towards helping and discussing the trials and tribulations of being new or returning player in Uosa.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:52 pm
by keelonzo
If you have a house in NEW territory (what you mean by looted maybe) I can give you your stuffs back, but dunno what happened after I left - couldn't lock the door.

Did leave *almost* everything intact, just put all your chests inside of one another and inside of a bag on the table.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:17 pm
by Light Shade
I have to agree with GK. A large portion of the community is all about hating everyone for everything. Everyday I peruse these forums and its just the same chest-beating, you suck, ur mad bro, get better newb crap rehashed in some completely unimaginative, tired, and done before childish nonsense.

Go out there and help one another, be constructive and helpful, and work towards building the community outside of the zerg squads and trash talk...

Or be left fighting over a few pixels atop the shit pile you've made of the community.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:34 pm
by Malaikat
I talk trash here on a daily basis. I have some heated in-game rivalries and many forum enemies. I also give some of the finest advice regarding all aspects of the game and it's mechanics, and I routinely give aid to individual newbies or to NEW. I'm not alone. Beyond the sometimes rough exterior this is the finest and most nurturing community I have yet to be considered a part of the entire internet over. Which is the reason that many many inactive vets (yourself included, Light Shade) still frequent these boards.

However, there is no use sugarcoating the non-ethics of a 14 year old game culture. This is the way it has always been. It's the way it will always be. Publicized or not people are going to encounter player killers, thieves, scammers, and dudes who will up and screw you for no gain aside from a cheap laugh.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:10 am
by Volga
If you had enough money to buy an L-shape deed, you should be smart enough to have it in your main backpack or banked. You knew you had it on you.

If you had that much gold, you have a GM mage/bard/tamer or something. Go make it back.

I was in IRC when you died and the person that looted you said that you had ~30 of each reagent on you. Why didn't you recall? You're not manually clicking a recall tile and clicking a rune while hunting to make 192 thousand gold.

Sorry, this sucks- but it's your own fault. Learn from your mistakes and adapt.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:16 am
by Menkaure
There's 2 ways to look at this:

1) too many kids today are used to games like wow and other carebearness, so some people see this n are like "lol cry baby" but the problem is most of us are a different generation of gamers. This was a very common experience in 1999. That's exactly why osi changed it and put trammel in, so that it would appeal to the masses. Unfortunately for the masses, this era is before trammel.
2) we as a community could be more sympathetic to newbies like this. It would definitely help population. So instead of mocking the guy, next time maybe offer him advice on how to prevent it from happening. I sent this guy a pm and offered him a lot of gold to return. Hopefully he logs in and reads it.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:24 am
by nubnub
1100 day old newb? Plenty of advice and support was offered, OP was deep in the bday blues and refused all.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:26 am
by theuodealer
@Nameinuse - Since the beginning of UO, players have denied that the game is analagous to real life in words while proving it absolutely in deeds. I mean it when I say since the beginning. Check this page - - read the entry at the bottom dated Nov 18, 1997 - only 3 months after UO was out of Beta. This guy was already writing about things that people playing Felucca servers are still arguing about today.

If there were an island in real life where there were no rules or laws enforced there (kind of like this place: ... ity-vacuum), would you visit? No. There wouldn't be a chance it would be a living hell, it would be a guarantee. Because saying 'Being a shitstain is allowed here' is as good as saying 'PLEASE all scumbags come here NOW!' to people who are shitstains. Allowing the worst absolutely attracts the worst. Why the creators were naive enough to think that would be any less true online than in real life, I have no idea - but they were. They were caught completely by surprise and the way players acted changed the face of future MMORPGs and eventually UO itself.

What keeps Felucca servers going? Shitstains trying to relive the pre-Trammel days. Respectable players still in denial of what Felucca is, still looking for something it isn't. And mainly, the greatest lie that was ever told - "Trammel ruined UO". The worst players sold that lie to too many others and have perpetuated it for years because it suits their purposes and their personalities. That's the reason why even respectable players who HATE griefers still play on Fel servers, quit, start on another Fel server, and repeat ad infinitum, to the delight of said griefers. Because they were brainwashed into believing that Trammel was the real bad guy and they haven't stopped to reconsider that notion in 13 years. If they're seeing it 20/20, the only people who belong in Felucca are those who enjoy ruining other people's days AND enjoy starting UO all over every 1-5 years - because there are only two roles to play and no one enjoys being the victim, and Felucca servers always die for the same old reasons (Hybrid being the sole exception, not that it matters).

I can't emphasize this enough: Trammel is the answer. Put yourself beyond the reach of the losers forever. Let them rage to each other and rape each other. It becomes pretty funny after a while, at the point when you first realize how truly great a move you made and you look back to see everyone else still stuck in the mindtrap doing the same old thing. You'll wish you had done it years ago. Eventually even the most brain-dead of them will get tired of starting all over for the seventeenth time and quit playing. I don't think that day is too far off, to be honest. Eventually the reality of this cycle will dawn on even the most die-hard old school coders/owners, and there won't be any new Felucca servers cropping up to take the place of the dead and dying ones. You'll want to be in Trammel laughing your ass off when that happens. :lol:

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:23 am
by Light Shade
Trammel is not the answer and was the worst thing to happen to UO. I'll not uselessly muck up this thread with a sidebar discussion about a mechanic that does not fit in with the mission statement of this shard.....

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:40 am
by Gork
First of all ... if you are going to leave this server ... don't make a post about it ... trashing our beloved server.
Just pack your bags and walk down washout lane. I'm starting to think people are just making these posts to try to attack any positive gains we make on this server.

This is oldschool UO T2A.

Town killed, looted and grieved....... sounds like ultima online to me !

theuodealer.... what the heck are you posting about trammel on here for?

This is the SecondAge!

It is like going on a trammel server and posting about how good felluca is .....

What you are saying is just pure garbage bro!

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:58 am
by inkognito
nubnub wrote:1100 day old newb? Plenty of advice and support was offered, OP was deep in the bday blues and refused all.

The backlash is harsh, but this community ain't stupid. These rage posts have happened since I started. I think my initial response was so crude because I could tell it was meant to just stir up negativity and troll the shard for its weaknesses.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:27 pm
by Pac
I guess according to some of the limp-wristed crybabies in this thread we are supposed to respond to every hostile ragequit post with nothing but endearment and apologetics.

Re: Town killed, looted and griefed.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:03 pm
by GuardianKnight
Pac wrote:I guess according to some of the limp-wristed crybabies in this thread we are supposed to respond to every hostile ragequit post with nothing but endearment and apologetics.

Good call. Thanks for your commitment to a less hostile playing environment.