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Re: era accuracy and timeframe-new idea

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:12 pm
by Kaivan
There is a rather large list of reasons why a cyclical system would not work, and I've probably addressed them in the past, but I will address just two reasons here.

First, we have the problem of skills. T2A officially began on October 24, 1998, and at that time, several skills did not exist yet. For those skills, what would happen to players on UOSA who had those skills? Would we remove 100 points, would we disable the skills and leave them with 100 points less to work with, or would we simply allow players to continue using those skills, but prevent any gains in them. Each solution presents major problems, and only solves part of the problem.

Second, we have the problem of houses. For the first two months of the T2A era, houses were owned by the key holder, and for the first month of the T2A era, housing existed under the original system with no lock downs whatsoever. On each iteration through the time frame, players would quite literally lose ownership of their houses for a month, and possibly lose ownership of their houses permanently. This creates a completely incompatible system with what is seen just before reaching this point, which is a clear ownership system with house bans, friends, co-owners, strong boxes, and a twice removed rule set on lock downs and item decay.

These system changes would wreak havoc on the general environment, and they would be combined with numerous other changes at the exact same time, each of which would represent major problems for everyone involved.


On another note, the idea of selecting certain elements of an era (or entirely custom elements) and using those elements is a dubious proposition at best. Granted, while it is possible to put these decisions to a vote and go with popular opinion, the process of doing so will necessarily pair down the decisions to what the popular majority want. This creates a narrowing scope where those who do not conform to the popular opinion of the moment either adapt to what a certain group wants, or they leave. Past examples of this pattern on other free servers have shown that a large percentage of those who are not in the majority quit, narrowing the group that is in the majority for the next issue to an even smaller group. This pairing down effect ends with a fractional group that has the changes that they approve of, while many of the others have moved on, or remain in the minority. This ultimately creates a server with the vision of a particular group of players, which ignores the necessity of certain changes that are not considered palpable to the majority.

Further, such a system is rife with "politicization" of the process, with players attempting to garner support from others for a system that they like, in order to influence the game. This necessarily makes popular opinion a poor choice (not that popular opinion was ever a good argument to begin with), due to the fact that decisions will be controlled by those who have a vested interest in something changing in a certain way. The popularity system also encourages cheating, with no real way to ensure that each player is given 1 (or 3) votes.

While I could explain the advantages that we have by using a system where no one person's or group's opinions rule the day, I think that the statement was best put by one of our forum posters some time back:
Eaglestaff wrote:Keep in mind that sticking to the "Era accuracy" creed is the solid rock upon which this shard rests its back against and is a great insurer of longevity as far as maintaining players because they know what they are getting. Its easy to replicate something that already existed as best you can because you don't have to come up with anything new and risky and you can justify all your policies and decisions on one principle. Everyone knows the plan and no one is going to com,plain and quit when they think the ship is starting to deviate off course because it never will.
Ultimately, there is no compelling reason to change our current formula, and as it stands, we will continue with our current goals.

Re: era accuracy and timeframe-new idea

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:35 am
by BlackLeaf
i just want to point out one last thing:as the user MatrondeWinter said,our particular time frame is pretty all t2a,for sure there are nicer timeframes.could we go as back as possible,where all skill and and house onership were available?
also,i noticed the cyclic thing sounds appealing,but for many technical reasons can not be implemented:then again,we can start the cycle from the time all skill etc were available.

dont misread me,i think the shard is awesome,and i dont see compelling reasons,i just think it can be even more awesome.

Re: era accuracy and timeframe-new idea

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:32 am
by Kaivan
The example of skills was only intended as an explanation of the general problem that would be faced if we decided to operate on a cyclical cycle. There are a huge number of other problems that exist outside of the skill and house ownership issues, many of which are a problem near our current cutoff date. The point, of course, is that these systems were never designed to go in the reverse direction, and doing so causes a lot of major problems.

Also, regarding the cutoff date for UOSA, many players will consider our cutoff date to be a less than ideal cutoff date, but we have chosen this date largely as the best point in time based on the fact that it has the largest available set of mechanics for T2A, while doing the least damage to the environment of the T2A era. That decision, combined with the implications of moving backwards and the idea that the best point in time it is purely opinion based, makes the proposition of going backwards a very unlikely one.

Re: era accuracy and timeframe-new idea

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:33 am
by BlackLeaf
Kaivan wrote:the proposition of going backwards a very unlikely one
oh, noes!

Re: era accuracy and timeframe-new idea

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:59 pm
by Faust
There are ways around the issues that Kaivan has presented but the problem is having to deal with all of those issues including those that are unknown. Skills would simply stay during the reverse and the new skills would simply not work. If you decide to acquire new skills and lose it than it's your choice. There are 3 accounts that can be utilized for each timeframe. Would actually limit you from having every type of character that is available unlike now.

The argument of popping in specialized functiond to counter the reset is a bit moot since the reversal never happened and would be a special function as well. The mechanics can be adjusted to reverse the new to old systems.

There are many problems that would exist but it's not something anyone would want to deal with here. Taking a static timeframe is a much easier approach which is understandable.