What skills are needed to ride a Nightmare?

Topics related to Second Age
Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:04 am

Re: What skills are needed to ride a Nightmare?

Post by Vavara »

Patch 144 was supposed to have fixed it so that you can't "friend" a pet to a person who cannot control it ...

... but that obviously didn't happen, so much for era accuracy.
Housing & placement:
House placement checks have been rewritten to be more correct.
The requirement for even ground around the foundation is less strict than it was.
House Steps are considered foundation, and will be accounted for in the yard check. Thanks Kryptonical
House placement checks occur much faster now.
To avoid spamming placement of large houses which can impact system performance, a 3 second reuse delay has been added to house deeds.
Players within a house are no longer moved to the center when the house is demolished.
Banned Mobiles no longer moved to ban-location when entering a house, they will just bounce off the steps.
Fixed inability to use a pickaxe to dig for treasure unless there was a shovel in pack. Thanks Ulfrigg Rose and Kaivan
You can no longer friend a pet to a player who cannot control it. Thanks Kaivan
The teleporter to the Star Room is no longer triggered by simply approaching the altar, you must double click the brazier. Thanks Malice
Fix for shard crash on the morning Sep 26, related to showing house items when entering a house. (Thanks BobMarley for helping to troubleshoot)
Tournament event gates will be red, rather than blue.
Test center will no longer show in the shard list when it is not open for testing.

Added Oct 3

It's not possible to teleport within a castle or keep courtyard. (Thanks Robbb)

Freight Elevator
Posts: 888
Joined: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:28 pm

Re: What skills are needed to ride a Nightmare?

Post by Freight Elevator »

Vavara wrote: ... but that obviously didn't happen, so much for era accuracy.
Yes, that is the only thing left that is not era accurate on this server.
Lambo wrote: And seriously what kinda pvper ever has a character with parry they take out into the field...... really

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