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Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 5:41 pm
by Coffee
Not to keep beating a dead horse, but I looked again and had my mind blown:

Katana: 58
Kryss: 53

Yeah, alright. Fair enough...

Dagger: 55

...wait, what? A dagger is slower than a katana, and only 2 points higher than a kryss?

I can't recall exact numbers, but I'm thinking the kryss was something like 5-7 points higher in speed versus the katana, and the dagger was ranked highest of all with a 10-12 point lead over the kryss.

Katana = 48 // Kryss = 53 // Dagger = 65

Something to that effect.

Also, oddly enough, that chart I posted also had the dagger ranked slower than both the kryss and katana. Can anyone remember the dagger ever to NOT be the fastest weapon in the game? I played OSI for like 4 years, and thought this always to be the case. Granted, they did tweak and alter the hell out of everything in that time span...but I believe the overall rankings of everything were generally consistent. All they really changed were the algorithms/formulas for obtaining the end results.

...and just for the record, I'm not complaining or saying "OMG CHANGE PLZ" -- I'm just spurring conversation here :)

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 8:14 pm
by Chemistry
It is odd but i distinctly remeber the Katana being faster.. and the dagger being 3rd to the Katana and kyrss. I had brought the manual to school back in 98 and read it through of bunch of times.

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:17 pm
by nubblie
I do remeber in T2a that kat was faster than the kryss.... on GL there were mainly swords characters.

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:35 pm
by Teknix
yup katana is faster than kryss. i'm tempted to switch to swords now on a couple of my characters. but the long spear is almost 2x as fast as the hally and just a little less on the damage dealt.

having a katana and a shield would be better than a kryss and a shield. i found this thread yesterday and did some thinking about making a switch on my townie (fence,mace,tact,anat,heal,parry,resist). i think that fencing on my hybrid will work out better (fence,tact,anat,heal,mage,med,resist) because the long spear just hits so much faster than the hally. i would like to have the kat because it swings faster, which means more chance of interupting spells...

we'll see :?

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:46 pm
by Clyde-
First thing i ever learned in UO was that katana was the fastest...guess you guys didnt get the same memo.

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:47 pm
by Clyde-
making a switch on my townie
A townie huh? What a surprise. :roll:

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:30 am
by Teknix
i got three accounts...i'm gonna make every damn character there is. why not make one for pvp stuff, mainly order/chaos. i'll be another person in events, which is good for the shard imo. it is 8 days old, 98.6 resist. almost done, but i need to switch fencing and swords... the other guy is done except for healing.

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:34 pm
by Clyde-
Im just givin ya a hard time 8)

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:11 pm
by TwoTon

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:54 am
by Teknix
Clyde- wrote:Im just givin ya a hard time 8)

i know. no harm done :D

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:55 am
by TwoTon
i remember specifically fencing being the crapiest melee skill in t2a but if you were a poisoner you could poison longspears thus making it worth it DP High Damage Decently Fast Weapon !

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:14 am
by alatar
yea up untill recently i totally forgot about being able to poison spears & short spears..

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:26 pm
by rokuez
Shivers wrote:
Coffee wrote:Yeah, those damage numbers are totally whack-o. I'm glad you're not going by those :)

I can't recall the katana ever being faster than the kryss, but it seems that way according to every archived page I checked. That really throws me off for some reason. I was thinking that the case had always been katana = slightly more damage, slightly less speed; kryss = slightly less damage, slightly more speed.

I guess I just don't recall things as accurately as I thought I did.
Honestly , i think we all thought the Kryss Was quicker. Why ? this is the real question ... o.o
I had done test when t2a was out because i wanted my dexer to interrupt spells and be the fastest swinging character . i had to dexer chars one sowrds one fencing and the kryss was faster

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:28 pm
by TwoTon
dude in AOS the kryss is faster i am almost completely positive that kryss was faster, i never remembered a katana being faster.... dont know why lol

Re: Combat Damage

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:52 pm
by Derrick
rokuez wrote:I had done test when t2a was out because i wanted my dexer to interrupt spells and be the fastest swinging character . i had to dexer chars one sowrds one fencing and the kryss was faster
We took all the weapon speeds, damage and armor stats from the links at the top of this thread. I was surprised at well, but I always knew they were damn close to each other. If it's in error we need to find some form of documentation. Stratics has been our primary source (beyond our own memories when stratics fails us) for era accurate info.