Bloodrock: In Their Midst

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Re: Bloodrock: In Their Midst

Post by Ronk »

fortin wrote:I was snooping around the Urk fort the other day and ran into you collecting your belongings from your fresh corpse. I was wondering what a fellow like you was doing out there! This is great information and please continue as long as possible. If you need an education grant to further your research please let me know.
kan ee hab ah edjookayshun grant?
The Bloodrock Orcs -
Historic Bloodrock

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Re: Bloodrock: In Their Midst

Post by Mark_Lucas_TBP »

fortin wrote:I was snooping around the Urk fort the other day and ran into you collecting your belongings from your fresh corpse. I was wondering what a fellow like you was doing out there! This is great information and please continue as long as possible. If you need an education grant to further your research please let me know.
You just made my day!

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Re: Bloodrock: In Their Midst

Post by LudKrud »

He also just made me seriously think about trading him my brick that he wants....
GJ Fortin....

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Re: Bloodrock: In Their Midst

Post by Pringles »

Very nice to see a non bragging story about griefing in this forum for once. Cheers!
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Re: Bloodrock: In Their Midst

Post by Mark_Lucas_TBP »

I hope it's not going to be all griefing.

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Re: Bloodrock: In Their Midst

Post by Mark_Lucas_TBP »

Day ?
I do not know what day it is, having lost count due to the ingestion of some mushrooms that apparently had some, ahem, intoxicating properties. So we'll just call this...

Day 6
When I awoke from my mushroom induced haze (stay away from the red ones with white spots, children) I found myself wandering through an orcish structure. Apparently all the hiding and sneaking practice really paid off. I knew at once it must be orcish because of the smell and the distinctive décor.
Day 6.jpg
Day 6.jpg (174.45 KiB) Viewed 1751 times
Who is this Derrick?

My courage quickly failed, so I began to search for a way out. I was startled by a dusty, gnarled statue that looked like an old wizened orc on a throne. I laughed at my skittishness and went to investigate the object. I began to wonder if I hadn't stumbled upon a hint at Bloodrock death rituals. Did they mummify their honored dead and put them on display? How barbaric! As I was approaching the artifact, it suddenly opened its eyes and addressed me!
Day 6a.jpg
Day 6a.jpg (169.4 KiB) Viewed 1751 times

I very nearly soiled myself! However, I managed to collect my wits enough to answer in the best orcish I could manage so far.
Day 6b.jpg
Day 6b.jpg (168.61 KiB) Viewed 1751 times
Day 6c.jpg
Day 6c.jpg (168.19 KiB) Viewed 1751 times
I attempted to explain my mission to study the advanced society formed by the orcs of the Bloodrock Clan. Unfortunately, since I was attempting to hold back a stream of fear-induce urine, all that came out was...
Day 6d.jpg
Day 6d.jpg (165.6 KiB) Viewed 1751 times
The master orator speaks.

I swear I'm going to file a change of address for this place.

In my terror, I had managed to miss the entrance of some other orcs, including a powerful mage by the name of Gruul, whom I had encountered before. The old orc, named Ne'rull, made Gruul resurrect me so as to hear more of my tale. I guess he gets very little entertainment. I began my tale again.

A little flattery to start off.

Keep it simple.

I believe I was just getting through to the elder Ne'rull when Gruul, who had a different idea of entertainment, summoned a terrible Hell-beast.

I knew I should have opened with a joke.

As I quaked in fear, the fell creature approached. The beast leaned in for the kill then turned around... and broke wind.

The stench of brimstone wings?

I awoke, not dead but wishing I was, behind a magical barrier with many angry orcs on the other side.

This does not bode well.

Gruul dropped the field and immediately came in to interrogate me. I was hit with a bright, red, sparkly flash (although that may have been more of the mushrooms). I tried to explain my mission once again and asked to see their leader.

Ooh! Pretty colors!

U of B, All hail the fighting Wyverns!


Apparently, they would prefer that I did not meet their leader.

"Goodal, back so soon." "Oh, you know me. I just can't stay away."

I tried to listen to their ensuing conversation through the ghost haze. Though they we're under some misapprehension as to the nature of my mission...


...some of my tale had managed to sink in.

I'm not sure they know what that means.

It was good that I had stayed. I was soon revived and brought again before Ne'rull. I explained carefully that I was not a spy and that I wanted to write a scholarly work about the Bloodrock Orcs.


Such an elegant language.

I decided to get down to dull copper tacks and asked Ne'rull if he was the leader of the Bloodrocks.

Cards on the table.

Lighting the fuse.

Watching it burn...

I have made two observations from this situation: one is that apparently “breeder” is an insult in orcish culture. Very little is known about orcish reproduction and I am not a xenobiologist. Perhaps orcs have formed a societal structure similar, but different to bees where there is a special class of “breeder” males that service a queen. These drones would be seen as a lower class than the worker/warrior orcs, who differing from bees, are male. The second thing I observed was that Ne'rull has very poor hearing.


Looking to buy real estate here. Maybe a nice cabana for short visits.

Upon being resurrected again, I was possessed of an anger and courage ill befitting one of my status as an academic and my precarious position.

OUTRAGED! (or maybe just MUSHROOMED!)

I don't know what came over me, although it was probably the mushrooms again. I really must consult a botanist at the university. The intoxicating agent in the fungi must be magical in nature to follow me through multiple resurrections into completely different bodies.

I didn't want to waste this opportunity, so I tried another tack. I had procured some low-grade rot-gut from the corpse of a dead ettin in the forest. (I actually watched its two heads get in an argument and begin fighting to the death. Exceedingly strange!) I offered the grog to the orcs and tried to bargain for access and information.

Another tack.


At least they're not killing me.

The whole lot of them promptly got drunk and wandered off, effectively ending my interview. I was pondering my next step when an orcish peon who had been sitting by quietly unnoticed approached me. I found him shockingly sober. He proceeded to give me a set of orcish armor including a helm that would hide my face! He was offering to help me in my studies!

An ally at last!

I put on the armor. As I was about to start a dialogue with him, he shouted a war cry and ran off before I could even get his name.

NOOGGRRAAHH! indeed, my good man.

No matter. I have an ally. I have a way in. No longer shall I hide in the shadows and grovel in the woods. Now I shall hide in stinking armor. Well, at least I'll be closer to my research.

Afterthoughts: In contemplation of these events, I have decided that Ne'rull is probably not the orcish chieftain, but instead some sort of honored elder. I don't know what his full status is but it gives me an idea about their leadership.

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Re: Bloodrock: In Their Midst

Post by Plague »

lmao well done :)

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