Sir Tanion's Plight - White Harbor

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Sir Tanion's Plight - White Harbor

Post by Jupiter »

Polisen stood atop the promontory overlooking the reef that for long has kept the White Harbor safe from most * sea-born threats.

With a quick breath and a slight of hand he drew his bow and shot an arrow out into the great blue; the customs from his home land would not be lost; even in these strange lands. He watched to see if the arrow would clear his last record, as a man scrambled up the hill.

“Master Polisen, I have urgent news. We need your blade once again!” the man yelled between scrambled bursts.

“Names” he thought to himself as he grimaced. It seemed everyone knew his name. It had only been a few moons hence since Polisen had bid farewell to his days as ronin and remembering names was one of many things he had not yet mastered. The politics and niceties of society; those were one of many things that he was free from in his old life.

“Yes, of course, uhh..,” He tried to disguise his pause as he focused towards the horizon “you are the Celticwarrior are you not?”

“Yes, m’lord, that is what they call me. But you knew that, that’s not the news I bring. Anias has learned that Sir Tanion has been captured!”

Without a word, Polisen and the Celticwarrior returned to the Guild Hall. As the rushed through the doors they saw Anias set upon table. She wore no signs of battle, but it was clear she was exhausted for she had been engaged in the most egregious of all skirmishes – that of the mind – and her negotiations for information would prove invaluable.

“I’ve brought Polisen m’lady. And others are on their way!”


Slunk behind a beehive, Turbo watched as the man, known only as ‘the Bandit of Skara’ exchanged minutiae with the bank teller. He had been tracking him for months and now, finally he would serve justice upon this thief! As he reached for his sword, he noticed his map light up with the words of alarm from White Harbor. He cursed. His oaths to The White Shores prevailed upon him.


“Good you are all here,” Anias pronounced to the small band “I shall not lie to you all, I was hoping that there would be more of our ranks available. But with Draco out in search crucial information regarding artifacts that threaten this land, and given the hour I suppose it cannot be helped. Still perhaps our numbers shall prove to our advantage.”

“How could this be? Who could have captured Sir Tanion?” Turbo interjected “As lieutenant of the guard I feel this is my responsibility. Perhaps I did not train him well enough.”

Anias raised a hand to calm, “You need not worry. It was no ordinary villain that has captured him. His name is only known to us as Terry. Yet I fear even this name is fictitious as may be most of the information I received regarding him. But, do not let your hearts lose hope!” Anias reached and revealed a stone from beneath her blouse, “I have obtained this which should allow us to communicate with Sir Tanion for a short while. I fear that if we do not find him before the power of this stone wears out, he shall be lost to us.”

The rock began to glow and the group heard the muffled voice of their trusted brother “I haven’t much time, he knows I have the stone and I fear I shall only be able to give you a few clues…” there was a wrenching pause “… Out of the windows I can see a thick forest, and there are no other houses within sight…” the pause seemed to last longer the second time “… I know it might not be much of a clue, but I do hope you find me. And please if you do find me, please have some food; I am terribly weary of the hunger pangs!...”

His words of jest in this dire situation gave them all hope that their brother in arms would be safe.


Using the clues from Sir Tanion, the troop from White Harbor spread out upon the land in search of their endangered comrade. They quickly found him deep in the forests of Yew.

True to his record, Terry had sealed the house up with kegs of explosive powder, he slew two of the advance squad with this curses and foul stench before the firebolt from Xandy blasted the last breath from this lungs!
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Re: Sir Tanion's Plight - White Harbor

Post by Jupiter »

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UOSA Donor!!
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Re: Sir Tanion's Plight - White Harbor

Post by Menkaure »

good story bud
Catskills 1997-2002ish

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