The Adventures Of me

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The Adventures Of me

Post by memememe »

A bit overdue since we've been here for a while already, but gotta start some time.
The idea is to keep this thread rolling as long as we're on the server. Kinda like the Galads with, our personal heroes from the original T2A.
I wouldn't quite call what we're doing griefing, as dry looting isn't part of our repertoire, and we do rez and gate more often than not. Heck, if you give us a good fight we're not even going to count you. We just try to keep the sandbox interesting.
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Chapter one:

First day on the server.

We were only a few hours old. Calling in our trusty comrades "a ghoul" and "a skeleton" we were able to get our first kill!
He got a nice laugh out of it as well, as the 4 of us probably spent a good 2 minutes hitting him till he finally died!
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Still growing.

Nothing spectacular, only reason this kill made it here is because it made us realize that the server really does attract totally new players. We were both hitting him and by looking at the hits it was obvious he had no wrestling, he stood firm though and got interrupted till the very end! He did get most of his stuff back though, a little gold might have been missing.
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Poison and going red.

Again some older stuff. Old UO knowledge finally coming back, we remembered that DP is quite good! Mostly evil me alone trying to rack up counts.
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While he did manage to go red pretty fast, we realized even faster that being red isn't for us. Not yet anyway. No pouches, no pots, half remembered knowledge of PvP and basically no funds to be able to restock constantly, the server kinda let us know that we're still at the bottom of the food chain. We macro'd off counts and decided to stay true and blue.

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by memememe »

Chapter two:

We don't like tamers!

This was the day we found our nemesis, Tamers! And PL and eBK. Day started off with us checking the popular spawns for people. Found a tamer (Kendra) along with some other cronies camping the spawn (among them mr. Seventh Son), with 500 dragons. Elder Gazer corpses popped up like there was no tomorrow, so we assumed they wouldn't miss a little amount of gold.
We thought wrong, and who would have thought, they actually had the balls to defend their spawn against us. All 4 of them and their 1000 dragons. Didn't help that we STILL hadn't found our PvP skills, evil me was frothing at the mouth whacking some guy while I took all the punishment and didn't receive an ounce of help.
Or so some might have thought!
His clever plan was to make them think just that and then highjack one of their gates. Said and done, one less tamer in the world, all hail DP!
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Getting the hang of it.

Once we had our sworn enemy, we actually got pretty good at it!
Though 3 out of 4 times the valiant good me (me, sadly) had to sacrifice himself for the greater good. We did get our revenge though!
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Oh no you don't highjack our deeds!

While happily going about our business, mr. Seventh Son decided to take our spoils! Some mare was walking around aimlessly and he was going for the steal. Not going to happen on our watch though! Considering what we pulled off of his corpse, we're pretty sure he didn't expect to die.
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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by memememe »

Chapter three:

The farm mafia!

It seems that our deeds are being remembered, and we seem to be quite good at what we do!
After haggling a bit about the price we agreed upon 10k an hour, quite reasonable in our opinion! Lady Kendra had 3 nice and quiet hours of farming. And we were 30k richer.
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Tamers aren't always so tame!

We're still investigating if dear Miss Kendra set these thugs upon us, or if they thought it up themselves to defend their guild mate. None the less, I died (twice!, the 2nd time was afk near my house, thanks to giving them my rune the first time) to peach and Dragon Lords II (I think) of PL. In retrospect it was fun fighting, and I feel quite bad for giving you guys counts, since it was a fair 2on2 the first time, and my own stupidity the 2nd time. So in the future, feel free to defend Kendra again, we'll be looking forward to it!
Sadly razor didn't save my screenshot button, so all I have to show for all of that is this:
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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by memememe »

Repost in the right forum, enjoy.

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by Jupiter »

I dub thee the dichotomous duo! I look forward to many new stories. Perhaps my corpse will be in one :-)

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by evilme »

Thanks for the warm (ingame) welcome everybody.

Jupiter, I am sure we will have an opportunity for that.

We are working on a couple of new stories as of now ;) - stay tuned.

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by Crypto »

i was ghosting in LL when the me's killed the tamer with the mare.

he brought it on himself with all the smack talk.

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by memememe »

Chapter four:


Mean? Yes! Rude? No!
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The One Who Resisted:

Who'd have thought, they know how to resist! Today's lesson: A tamer guarded by 12 dragons requires a bit more work! (Side note: We gave counts for these deaths, an apology is in order at this point. We've thus refined our "Manual of Me", counting is now against guild rules.)
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You can try, but you can't win:

He put up a valiant fight, but we're resourceful little buggers. It was never a question of "if", only the "when" was in doubt. It was a tough fight though! Tamers in all of Britannia, query Methodman/Q-Tip for tactical advice! Guarded corpses are a pain though, they put up more of a fight than some tamers do while still alive!
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Oh, what have we here? The last laugh!

Now kids, the number one rule of me: Always be thorough! Notice that one Blue name in all those dragons in the picture above? But where was he now?!! He didn't enter the gate! A little Wis Quas here, a little Wis Quas there, and what do you know, he's still around. Why didn't you recall my little friend, a little overweight maybe? I guess in the end we got our deserved reward!
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Doesn't quite fit with the theme, but we just don't like him, so he'll get special attention.
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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by Jakob »

Excellent!! No more shall the disgraceful taming machinery industry roam the dungeons! Maybe the liches and other creatures who peacefully dwell down in dark caves, just to not disturb us Britannians on the surface, will have peace in the future. Thanks to the me duo! Franz Pfniffel will aid you in this great quest!

Btw, something havnt understood, are you two ppl or one?
Lankgord: Hello. I'm New To The Server. Any Drama Going On Lately?

[20:38] <newYorK>i love how franz is in game robbing me while im reading his comic
[20:38] <newYorK> priceless

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by evilme »

Thank you Sir! Such nice words from a veteran adventurer make us confident in our cause!! Hope to see you in game some day - perhaps we can exchange some knowledge on how to protect our fellow critters from those pesky tamers.

On a side note: We are two people so far ;)

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by memememe »

Chapter five:

Out hunting!

For once I was trying to farm up gold the honorable way, minding my own business at the fire temple (only mildly disturbed bis this Zakk person, but this is another story kids). When suddenly three murderous people jump out of a blue sphere of magic. Among them the renowned and feared murderer LeBron James!
So our hero did what he always does when these Flame(strike) spewing dragons plague the lands! He recalled to safety.
Never the less, our hero is of the curious sort, well prepared he decided to return to this foul place. But what was this? Had someone done the good deed before him?!
Though perhaps those great heroes were disturbed before they could fulfill the whole deed! And it was truly so!
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Is this already the end of this Chapter?

And so the story ends.....
or could it be....
no way...
but.. maybe???
Noooo! A villain as great as this LeBron James wouldn't...
or would he?
Of course he doesn't expect to die. He IS the predator, not the prey. Does a predator take precautions for his death?
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Welcome, stranger!

And thus our hero went into the unknown. Mama always said don't recall on strange runes! But curiosity got the best of our hero once again!
And the key fit the lock! While arrogant to the extreme in taking his precious house key and rune with him on his hunting, it does seem he was quite successful, this LeBron James!
So much that it took more than 5 gates to get all the shinys to safety. Can't leave such riches lieing around, people might steal them!
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Momma always said to keep it clean and tidy!

We all saw in what kind of a mess this foul murderer keeps his own home. Can't have any of that in my house! No! No!
So a few minutes of moving things here and there were in order. The end result, as you can see, is quite good!
Among the loot was also the reason for this murderers success. While Hollywood wants to make us believe it is just one ring that rules them all, it is in fact TWO rings AND a necklace that makes one all powerful! Or... wait... no, that's not right, then this creature would never have fallen! Maybe he should have stayed true to the lore and stuck with one ring after all, oh well, maybe next time!
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It seems our hero stepped into the house of one of the greatest beasts this world has ever seen, and lived to tell the tale!

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by Jakob »

Hurray!! Masterly done Mr me!
Lankgord: Hello. I'm New To The Server. Any Drama Going On Lately?

[20:38] <newYorK>i love how franz is in game robbing me while im reading his comic
[20:38] <newYorK> priceless

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by shonnie53 »

love the stories. I do not know whether to say good job or stay away from me. But I loved the stories and pictures. I do know we will cross paths one day, in fact I think we have but it was when you were "testing the waters" so to speak. And I was giving you two all of the loot since you were there first already farming. :lol:

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by Menkaure »

Who the hell carries around their rune and key? Especially if there's loot to be had and even moreso if that person is red and on the bounty board? Crazy people. Wtf...

Would the infamous PINK BOOTS ever carry his key and rune to his house full of loots from kills?
I don't think so!

Btw, awesome stories keep em comin!
Catskills 1997-2002ish

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by Sleight »

Eagerly awaiting new episodes.

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