Hail!, Greetings from a new player

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Bixby Legbone
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Hail!, Greetings from a new player

Post by Bixby Legbone »

My name is Bixby Legbone. I originally played on OSI's Lake Superior after The Lost Lands were discovered. This game, its world, became my addiction for many years to come. I continued to play through Trammel, Age of Shadows expansion, and a few more. I moved from Lake Superior and started over again on Siege Perilous (OSI's version of a hardcore shard). After that I spent a few years on another free-shard until its population dwindled too far. After nearly 2+ years away, I'm back and here. Even then, I stumbled upon this shard. I was trying to join another free-shard but couldn't get their download to complete, and somehow I found this website.

As of tonight, my account is 5 days old. Most of that has been spent leveling my first chars, but I also managed to get enough gold coins to purchase and place my first house! I find it somewhat silly, since I am not yet even using my house for anything, in-town macroing is working fine and is even easier than hauling resources/animals to my house.

The vast majority of my time here so far has been spent in and around Moonglow. I've always loved the place. I stumbled across two IDOC's there. People were checking them, but I kept one of my newbie chars around and watched them myself. I wish I had enough gold at the time to place at either spot, but at least I was fortunate enough to have free pickings to all the loot before anyone noticed they fell. Among my loot was a full spellbook, 3 runebooks, 1k+ of each reg (all of which have greatly helped me to gain magery on my main.) and some paintings and full potion kegs, etc. I have always loved IDOCs and real estate in UO. Once I get enough gold coins you will likely see me posting houses for sale here in the forums.

Anyways, your population has grown by at least one, and it looks like I will be sticking around for awhile.

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Re: Hail!, Greetings from a new player

Post by Ulfrigg »

Welcome :) and grats on the idocs :D

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Re: Hail!, Greetings from a new player

Post by UsualSuspect »

Your parents must have hated you, they named you Bixby?

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Re: Hail!, Greetings from a new player

Post by Chance »

You are/were UDL, no?

Welcome to UOSA!
~ Xigig ~ Mojoka ~ Shadowclan Orcs ~

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