Village of Paws - False Accusations

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Village of Paws - False Accusations

Post by Jupiter »

*** An excerpt from the oral argument presented by Jupiter on behalf of Paws ***

To understand the weight of the false accusations that have previously been set before you, we must first review a few simple facts of history. The Village of Paws was recently reconstructed by a powerful gypsy tribesman, Zoltan and his brother Blaine. Unlike typical newly settled villages, Zoltan and Blaine did not open the village for full settlement or publish that the village even existed. He merely cleansed the area round about the shrine of spirituality. Then he waited. He waited for those of a like spirit, who saw, as he did, the sad state of affairs in King British’s once glorious towns. Thieves and murderers with ease are able to avoid the punishment of guards. True, the guards occasionally slay the purple potion bandits and poor thieves, but not until after significant damage was done. The banks around the land are regularly riddled with dead bodies and the only consolation for those that mourn is that the culprits who conducted such atrocities will be delayed for a very fleeting moment.

So Zoltan and Blaine; using their powers to keep the forest clear of monsters and bandits showed people a different way of life that was not beyond reach. No more dependency on a system of guards that do nothing nor a pretended barrier of magic. In Paws, you lived by your own wit and learned how to protect yourself.

With this brief review of history, there is no question that the villagers who now assemble under the banner of Paws strongly disagree with the current state of affairs in King British’s lands, yet they do not nor have they yet declared open rebellion. Out of respect for the previous great deeds of Lord British’s to establish peace in the land, they have instead chosen an approach of cessation.

Now based on accusations that have been presented before this court by one only known to you as the black gate guard, this court condemned five villagers of Paws without so much as an attempt to validate his evidences. Was the law of King British broken in their escape from prison? Aye, I admit that it was; yet this second crime was a necessary action to prevent the unjust execution of these innocent villagers on account of a first crime which I say never occurred!

I do not know what manner of lies this nefarious person supplied which you found suitable to capture them and send them to the gallows. Let me instead relate to you the actions of these villagers. I am certain you will find that this tale will be sufficient to rebut any and all lies.
After escaping your prison (I find it fitting to note that it was not at all a challenging feat). The villagers set out on a quest to clear their names. To this day no one in the court had even allowed them to hear the accusations against them so they set out to find their accuser that perhaps they could clear their names. They went south from Yew to try and find supplies; only a few days journey to south they found a formidable orc fort which was clearly making preparations for an invasion of Yew! Although their main goal was to clear their names, they knew they could not allow these orcs to carry out their plan. Thus they invaded the fort, and slew the orc lord!

After burning down the fort, they continued to follow clues throughout the land to try and find their accuser, finally they met this black gate guard in the forests south of Britain. They sought to capture the man that they might force him to speak the truth, but the villain, seeing he had no escape, thrust himself upon their blades and they had no choice but to put him down. The only clue that escaped this man’s breath is that “the traitor is already among you.” So the villagers, still branded as outlaws by this court, not knowing what more they could do, decided to return back to the village and submit to their fate peaceably. Yet their fallen spirits and dismal future did not prevent them from accomplishing noble deeds. As they made their way back to Paws, they chanced upon a band of brigands who had captured a merchant who calls himself Sylvester. Now, if these whom you have branded outlaws truly be such, what concern would they have had for Sylvester’s sad state of affairs? Yet they dispatched the bandits and freed Sylvester. Furthermore they offered him a guarded escort to ensure this safe arrival. I ask you now, are these then the doings of villains or heroes? As for me, I say they are heroes, and I mean to prove that with my life. I understand the gravity of my words here today your majesty, and I say to you now that if you pursue these villagers any further under these false accusations, then that which has started as a peaceful cessation will quickly escalate to rebellion. And if that day comes, I shall stand with Paws!
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