My adventures with Mr Weird

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My adventures with Mr Weird

Post by dren »

So, earlier this morning I'm in The K^A Bloody Bandage, the hospital in Ascalon. I'm talking to Flea and Dupre, and this guy walks by dressed in all purple named Mr Weird. We all go out and talk to him and figure he's lost and maybe needs help. He says that he's come up to the area and been here 3 days straight looking to tame the fine steeds in the K^A area. :O

We're all pretty shocked that this guy has been in this area for 3 days looking for a horse. It seems there is a light horse spawn in this area, but not anything frequent enough to count on being there at any regular interval. We explain to him that there aren't many horses here, and Dupre, Flea, and I take him to the Ascalon stables.

We spot an Ettin off by the tavern, and a few explosions are cast on it, and it dies soon after. Mr Weird is amazed! He asks us whether or not we are all powerful animal tamers. We explain to him that we are not in fact animal tamers, and Dupre buys him a horse. Mr Weird, is still wanting to know where to tame wild horses, so Flea, Dupre and I take him off toward the north mines. Flea runs off ahead of us and we lose sight of him.

As we approach the north mines passage way, it seems Flea has gone on rampage. The entrance to the north mines is littered with corpses of different monsters in the area. Dupre and I take Mr Weird through to the Lost Lands and he tames a couple horses, and a couple ostards.

Mr Weird ends up taming a nice blue ostard, and Dupre asks to buy it from him. Mr Weird releases the ostard. I explain to him that he doesn't need to release his animals to transfer them to another player, and that he can actually get money in the trade window, and that he can transfer his horse by saying it's name and telling it to transfer. We take the mounts back through the passage to Britain and try to help Mr Weird sell some of the mounts. We end up wandering into the woods north of Britain looking for anyone who would want a horse. We find a camper, practicing with kindling out in the woods south of the graveyard. Mr Weird offers him a horse, and unfortunately he has no money to buy it. Dupre pays for this gentlemen's horse and we're off to find another customer for Mr Weird. A few chaos run by and attack Dupre, and we lose sight of Dupre as he goes off to fight.

I take Mr Weird back to town, because Malice runs by and he's infamous for killing peoples horses. We run into a warrior new to the lands named Severian and who is in need of fine steed. Dupre shows back up and also purchases his horse. In a matter of minutes, Mr Weird is nearly sold out!

We end up meeting up with another tamer named Tabatha who wants a mount, so we take Mr Weird and Tabatha back to the lost lands. At this point, we really begin a bit of an an adventure...
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Tabatha tames herself a llama, while Dupre fights a dangerous wolf.
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Tabatha and I fight orcs and corpsers.
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Mr. Weird heads back toward Dupre and Tabatha with his tamed ostard, and bull frog.
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Tabatha scores some eagle feathers.
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We arrive back in Britain.
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I Introduce Mr Weird to Taligamos, the tamer so he has a tamer mentor to help him out. Severian is back at Britain back after hunting and still riding the steed he purchased from Mr Weird!

The end!
Last edited by dren on Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: My adventures with Mr Weird

Post by marmalade »

i like the frog

Panthor the Hated
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Re: My adventures with Mr Weird

Post by Panthor the Hated »

I'll leave the "Dupre runs off" comments out since I'm a nice guy.

Theres a 75% chance this Mr weird is Joshua Lee.

Also... Severin, severin awaits you there.

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Re: My adventures with Mr Weird

Post by Boondock_Saint »

I met Mr. Weird.. I advised him to change his name to Mr. Curious.

[quote="Downs"]All the cool kids saw your wizard tears. [/quote]

[21:32] <[Rose]> scurvy is the new chumbucket

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Re: My adventures with Mr Weird

Post by TwoTon »

lol good story ill throw in the part where i come back victorious :)

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Re: My adventures with Mr Weird

Post by chumbucket »

I hope you advised him to purchase an animal sales permit before he sells anymore animals.

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