Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

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Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by Stargazer »

The Cult of the Midnight Wraiths is sponsoring a GM assisted event for Halloween. Here is the information:

Friday October 30th, 2009
8:00pm Pacific, 11:00pm Eastern
Approx. 1 Hour duration
Northern Britain

Lord Aldaen is currently appearing in graveyards across Britannia. You must hunt him down and execute his mortal avatar. Gather from him the "a relic fragment" items that drop, and turn them over to a Cult of Kerahl \+/ member. We need to gather as many of these fragments as possible for the ritual on 10/30.

On 10/30, the event will consist of a large amount of PvM activity, but PKs and Murderers are encouraged to attend. Rewards will appear on the ground during and after the event.

Last edited by Stargazer on Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:27 pm, edited 4 times in total.
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
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Re: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by Stargazer »

“Hear ye! Hear ye!” the town crier in Britain called out. “Cove is under attack by Orcs! Lord British’s guards are being overwhelmed! You King pleads for any heroes to head there and provide reinforcements!”
Cove is under attack.
Cove is under attack.
10-14-09 - 06 News of Cove.JPG (31.23 KiB) Viewed 9502 times
Silas heard the call. There was little else he could do about the Aldaen threat presently, so he headed to the bank to pack his wares and head out for Cove. After counting bundles of reagents and bandages, checking his armor bags, and securing the equipment to his horse, he was finally ready to leave.

“Are you that Prophet guy?” a panting man on foot asked.
“I am the Prophet of Kerahl.” Silas answered without turning from his mount.
“Aldaen, I’ve seen him…” he continued panting. Silas dropped his reagent bag, and turned slowly.
“Where have you seen him? How do you know?”
“It was near Cove. I went to help with the Orcs. They chased me off toward the graveyard. I heard a horrible laughter, and when I got to the gates there were skeletons and zombies everywhere. I saw a man in a dark robe with a black staff. He said ‘Despair… I am Aldaen!’ His voice echoed through the woods. He killed my mount from under me and laughed. I only made it away because he started attacking animals and trolls.”
“Thank you. May Lord Kerahl bless your path.” Silas picked up his bag and turned back toward his horse.
“Kal Ort Por!” Silas said, and vanished with his wares.
The informant delivers his message.
The informant delivers his message.
10-14-09 - 07 An Informant.JPG (32.21 KiB) Viewed 9502 times
Last edited by Stargazer on Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
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Re: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by Stargazer »

“AHHHHhhhhh!” A blood curdling scream filled the air right before the axe smashed into his face. His skull shattered like a glass bauble thrown at the ground. Blood sprayed through the air, and fleshy brain matter splattered against the wall behind him. Harold’s life ended violently at the hands of a rabid Orc Lord. The scream disoriented Silas as he appeared in Cove. He was surrounded by Orcs. Stunned by his sudden appearance, the beasts did not immediately attack. A second or two passed, just long enough for the Prophet to cast a spell.
Harold's demise.
Harold's demise.
10-14-09 - 08 Orcs Attack.JPG (19.73 KiB) Viewed 9499 times
“Vas Ort Grav!” Lightning rained down from the sky, causing the group of Orcs to fall over dead. Harold’s murderer charged Silas, axe dragging behind him. Silas rode toward the town gates, his goals now changed. He had to see if the rumor of the Black God, Lord Aldaen’s return to flesh was true.
Cove is a field of dead.
Cove is a field of dead.
Weaving between the trees, he prayed silently. He dodged Orcs and trolls as he rode toward the graveyard. Everything was happening so fast. There had been several Dark Ones who had come forward to serve the Church, but nowhere near enough to wage any kind of war against the Black God. Silas would have to depend on the masses of Britannia to carry out this fight. If they failed, it would be one man and his God against the Bringer of Destruction. His faith was enough, but it had been a hundred years since he last faced the Black One, and he was nervous.

The two horses reared and tried to buck their riders off as they cut through the foliage and almost wrecked into each other. Sage spoke first from atop his mount.

“Don’t go that way. There’s a Necromancer raising the dead.”
“I know. And I need to see him with my own eyes.” Silas responded, climbing off of his mount. He opened one of the saddle bags and started pulling out a set of enchanted bone armor, and strapping it on.
“You’re mad. Just go.” Sage said.
“Find your courage, and go with me.” Silas said, climbing back onto the horse. “Kyah!” he shouted, and bolted forward. Sage followed.

“I AM ALDAEN, MWAhahahaha!” A ghastly laughter was heard, dry and dusty like an exhumed grave. Birds in the surrounding trees fell to the ground dead. Dead forest creatures littered the woods near the graveyard with no sign of violence about them.

“I told you!” Sage shouted, and rode off as the Black God, Lord Aldaen attacked.
The first sighting of the Black God.
The first sighting of the Black God.
Last edited by Stargazer on Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by Stargazer »

Silas produced a recorder from his bags, and began playing. As he tried to provoke the undead to attack the dark robed Aldaen, his music had no effect.

“Thy whim denied!” Aldaen shouted. The bone armor Silas wore exploded off of his skin and became a walking skeleton that immediately attacked.
Silas' enchanted armor is turned against him.
Silas' enchanted armor is turned against him.
10-14-09 - 11 Running Away.JPG (64.21 KiB) Viewed 9499 times
The Prophet rode off to the south as the Necromancer switched targets. Looking back as he rode through the woods, Aldaen was always just a few steps behind him, floating slightly off the ground and gliding. Silas continued playing his recorder, provoking Orcs and Trolls and anything else to attack the Black God. Aldaen instantly killed anything that attacked him.
Orcs and Trolls and forest creatures are no match.
Orcs and Trolls and forest creatures are no match.
10-14-09 - 12 Provoking.JPG (31.6 KiB) Viewed 9499 times
Aldaen kills every living thing he sees.
Aldaen kills every living thing he sees.
10-14-09 - 13 Still Provoking.JPG (34.81 KiB) Viewed 9499 times
Gripping his recorder tightly, Silas urged Tyr onward even faster. He heard the thick, oily laughter again as he broke out of the woods and back into the sunlight. He looked back, and Aldaen was gone.

Silas’ clothes were drenched in sweat. He breathed heavily and loudly trying to calm himself. It had finally happened, and it was sooner than he expected. The Black God, Lord Aldaen of Destruction had returned.
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by Stargazer »

"I am ready, my Lord." Amadeus Crow said.
"I serve Kerahl!" Judas Serpentis declared.
"Good. We'll depart to a more private place before gating to the rune library. We need to inspect each of the graveyards for Lord Aldaen's mortal body. If we can keep killing him before he comes to power, then perhaps we can delay his assault on Britain." Silas rolled up the scroll he had been reading. "Let's get moving."

"Lord Silas! Wait, Lord Silas!" Achu called out as he approached the three Church of Kerahl members at the west Britain bank. Silas hesitated and looked around, trying to find whoever it was that addressed him. "I wish to accompany you on the hunt. I have not beheld a vision of Lord Kerahl, but can I go?"
"Of course." Silas responded.

The four departed, and spent the day traveling to each graveyard in search of the Black God. At last, after hours of looking they arrived at Nujel'm. The instant Crow passed through the moongate, he was swarmed by undead.

Liches, mummies, and bone knights attacked. The four were completely surrounded. With battle cries of their God's name on their tongues, the melee began.

"Por Ort Grav!"
"Vas Ort Flam!"
"Kal Vas Flam!"
"Corp Por!"
"Corp Por!"

The day was set alight with the magick spells and metallic clangs and crashes of the fight. When half of the undead had been felled, Lord Aldaen glided out of the highest mausoleum. The damning laughter began, thick and oily like bubbling pitch. This time, Lord Aldaen met with several demons and an energy vortex. The four servants of Kerahl continued their frantic fight for dominance in the graveyard.

As the sun began to set, this one fleshy avatar of Lord Aldaen fell dead on the ground. The corpse was dismemberd and his head was collected. Maggots appeared and began to consume the remains. Amidst the corpse's posessions, a relic fragment was found.
Lord Aldaen denied.
Lord Aldaen denied.
10-17-09 - 14 The First Fragment.JPG (128.7 KiB) Viewed 9352 times
"What is it, Lord Prophet?" Judas asked.
"It's a fragment of the relic we need to summon our champion. The only one who can defeat the Black God here in Britannia."
"Who is our champion?" Amadeus asked.
Silas looked up at Achu, who had not yet been inducted to the Church. "We cannot discuss such things now." The Prophet responded.

"THOU CANST NOT DEFEAT ME, OH LOFTY PROPHET!" Thunder rumbled across the sky as the voice boomed.

It began to rain.
The remains of the first moral incarnation of the Black God.
The remains of the first moral incarnation of the Black God.
10-17-09 - 15 Examining the Fragment.JPG (22.46 KiB) Viewed 9352 times
Last edited by Stargazer on Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by Stargazer »

“This is the key to accessing the roof, Lord Prophet,” the secret servant said.
“Lord Kerahl is pleased with you,” Silas responded.
“Glory and praise to the Dark Lord.”
“Praise be.”

Silas took the rune and the secret of accessing the roof of Britain’s north Mage Tower. Some would have called it a bribe. Others would call it a reward for service to the Church. Either way, when the time came for the ritual, the tallest tower in Britain was the perfect place to summon the Church’s Champion. The weapon that would force Aldaen away from Britannia and back into the Void.
Silas bowed, and recalled away.
A secret servant of the Church does his work.
A secret servant of the Church does his work.
Several days passed, and the Church’s workers began to appear on the roof. Work up there was busy, as the sacred relic arc was constructed, along with the broken ankh of Lord Kerahl. The columns needed to be built, and the braziers atop them. No one questioned what was going on.
Building the altar.
Building the altar.
10-19-09 - 17 Building the Altar.JPG (187.01 KiB) Viewed 8979 times
And in the background, the war against Aldaen continued. The Prophet unraveled his sacred scroll once more, the same one that he had taken from before the ankh in the chapel two weeks before. It still read the same however. Silas translated the ancient tongue to common as he spoke aloud:

“At last, he hath become more powerful, and finally he wilt rise. The times wilt be told by the corpses long unliving doth come forth from their graves and march against North Britain. More and more wilt come, until his final assault begins.”

Silas felt discomfort. His faith never wavered, but he was human. He felt anxiety, and fear… no matter how certain he was. He spoke aloud to no one:

“This day has come.”

He left his small home in Marruin to gather the Church followers that were working on the mountain, and in their sheep farms. Five select would begin the ritual to summon the Champion. The others were only Novitiates, newly inducted servants.

The ritual was soon to begin.
The ritual begins.
The ritual begins.
Last edited by Stargazer on Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by Chaos »

sounds great ty for your work in this as well as staff ... hope all goes well ... sorry I won't be able to make it seeing a have to work early sat. ..

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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by JoshuaLee »

Good job Silas!
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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by abercoby »

Keep up the good work man *thumbs up*
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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by Stargazer »

Updated the first post to include the detail that has unfolded in the thread.
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by BlackFoot »

sorry if its postd and i missed it

where/who and how does one turn the relics in? just hold them until the 30th?
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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by Stargazer »

Hey Blackfoot, thanks for posting.

You can give any relic fragments to any Cult of Kerahl member. Our guild tag is \+/ . You can learn more about hte Cult by visiting the link in my signature below.
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by a_gorilla »

I have a relic fragment, please come pick it up from the East Brit Bank before it decays.

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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by kill drizitz »

i have killed two Lord Aldaen, and have not got a relic fragment. is it supposed to be random? also the heads i take seem to disappear after awhile.

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Re: Oct. 30th: The Black God, Lord Aldaen - The Dark Rising #3.5

Post by sitlux »

The Dark Lord Aldean works in mysterious ways, but his power is absolute!! Follow the new developments here:


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